Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2001 15:29:52 From: EdHiker@mediaone.net (Ed Johnson) I just found another star list by following "OTHER ASTRONOMY LINKS" posted on the Weasner website. Many may have missed... Ed **************************************************** This catalog contains all the "alignment stars" for the Meade Autostar #497 handset. Star name spelling follows Autostar practice. Hr Min Sec Dec Deg Min Sec Mag. Acamar 02 58 15.6468 - 40 18 17.045 3.22 Achernar 01 37 42.8435 - 57 14 12.300 0.54 Acrux 12 26 35.8949 - 63 05 56.570 1.28 Adara 06 58 37.5458 - 28 58 19.517 1.53 Albireo 19 30 43.2879 + 27 57 34.817 3.08 Alcor 13 25 13.5371 + 54 59 16.614 4.00 Alcyone 03 47 29.0755 + 24 06 18.503 2.88 Aldebaran 04 35 55.2417 + 16 30 33.444 0.99 Alderamin 21 18 34.7737 + 62 35 08.067 2.47 Algenib 00 13 14.1516 + 15 11 00.933 2.84 Algieba 10 19 58.1346 + 19 50 30.925 2.23 Algol 03 08 10.1123 + 40 57 20.501 2.11 Alhena 06 37 42.7283 + 16 23 57.381 2.02 Alioth 12 54 01.7469 + 55 57 35.370 1.76 Alkaid 13 47 32.4385 + 49 18 47.708 1.86 Almaak 02 03 53.9551 + 42 19 47.033 2.17 Alnair 22 08 13.9881 - 46 57 39.784 1.77 Alnath 05 26 17.5162 + 28 36 26.838 1.68 Alnilam 05 36 12.8117 - 01 12 06.924 1.72 Alnitak 05 40 45.5243 - 01 56 33.277 1.90 Alphard 09 27 35.2433 - 08 39 30.970 1.99 Alphekka 15 34 41.2728 + 26 42 52.872 2.22 Alpheratz 00 08 23.2562 + 29 05 25.541 2.06 Alshain 19 55 18.7967 + 06 24 24.390 3.72 Altair 19 50 46.9994 + 08 52 05.980 0.93 Ankaa 00 26 17.0192 - 42 18 21.969 2.40 Antares 16 29 24.4586 - 26 25 55.213 1.07 Arcturus 14 15 39.6698 + 19 10 56.706 0.16 Arneb 05 32 43.8168 - 17 49 20.219 2.59 Bellatrix 05 25 07.8613 + 06 20 58.929 1.66 Betelgeuse 05 55 10.3009 + 07 24 25.420 0.57 Canopus 06 23 57.0985 - 52 41 44.190 -0.63 Capella 05 16 41.3591 + 45 59 52.768 0.08 Castor 07 34 36.1470 + 31 53 18.825 1.58 Cor Caroli 12 56 01.6658 + 38 19 06.182 2.89 Deneb 20 41 25.9137 + 45 16 49.218 1.33 Denebola 11 49 03.5961 + 14 34 19.352 2.13 Diphda 00 43 35.3699 - 17 59 11.679 2.05 Dubhe 11 03 43.6659 + 61 45 03.693 1.82 Enif 21 44 11.1539 + 09 52 30.044 2.39 Etamin 17 56 36.3702 + 51 29 19.998 2.23 Fomalhaut 22 57 39.0459 - 29 37 20.046 1.23 Hadar 14 03 49.3987 - 60 22 23.006 0.64 Hamal 02 07 10.4026 + 23 27 44.709 2.02 Izar 14 44 59.2219 + 27 04 27.170 2.50 Kaus Australis 18 24 10.3154 - 34 23 04.604 1.81 Kocab 14 50 42.3281 + 74 09 19.798 2.06 Markab 23 04 45.6531 + 15 12 18.947 2.49 Megrez 12 15 25.5571 + 57 01 57.432 3.30 Menkar 03 02 16.7733 + 04 05 23.093 2.55 Merak 11 01 50.4799 + 56 22 56.730 2.35 Mintaka 05 32 00.4000 - 00 17 56.738 2.23 Mira 02 19 20.7872 - 02 58 39.534 6.54 Mirach 01 09 43.9244 + 35 37 13.876 2.08 Mirphak 03 24 19.3733 + 49 51 40.260 1.81 Mizar 13 23 55.5367 + 54 55 31.271 2.22 Nihal 05 28 14.7235 - 20 45 34.001 2.84 Nunki 18 55 15.9288 - 26 17 48.280 2.07 Phad 11 53 49.8289 + 53 41 40.942 2.43 Polaris 02 31 49.1452 + 89 15 50.772 2.00 Pollux 07 45 18.9433 + 28 01 34.423 1.22 Procyon 07 39 18.1183 + 05 13 29.976 0.40 Rasalgethi 17 14 38.8604 + 14 23 24.880 3.37 Rasalhague 17 34 56.0724 + 12 33 36.099 2.09 Regulus 10 08 22.3127 + 11 58 01.955 1.41 Rigel 05 14 32.2700 - 08 12 05.916 0.28 Sadalmelik 22 05 47.0386 - 00 19 11.465 2.94 Saiph 05 47 45.3760 - 09 40 10.779 2.06 Scheat 23 03 46.4589 + 28 04 58.041 2.47 Shaula 17 33 36.5192 - 37 06 13.782 1.63 Shedir 00 40 30.4403 + 56 32 14.382 2.25 Sirius 06 45 08.9433 - 16 42 57.712 -1.44 Spica 13 25 11.5765 - 11 09 40.754 1.06 Tarazed 19 46 15.5807 + 10 36 47.757 2.71 Thuban 14 04 23.3531 + 64 22 33.086 3.65 Unukalhai 15 44 16.0742 + 06 25 32.261 2.63 Vega 18 36 56.3364 + 38 47 01.290 0.03 Vindemiatrix 13 02 10.5987 + 10 57 32.876 2.84 www.skymap.com/autostar.htm" target="_top">http://www.skymap.com/autostar.htmAnd:
From: rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour) Add and delete one: Add: Rigel Kentaurus (Alpha Centaurii) Delete: Polaris (Polaris is still in there as a Named Star, but the alignment procedure now specificially avoids it). --dickAnd more:
From: rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour) Luis Carreira (seilah@clix.pt) at http://planeta.clix.pt/portaodastronomia/estrelas.html has a very nice rendition of the list, too. (he mentioned it on the etxastro e-group) --dick
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