TITLE "Clay's AURIGA" // developed from Clay Sherrod's Auriga GOTO Tour as posted at www.weasner.com/etx --rjs+ STAR "Capella" TEXT "Capella" "bright star - CAPELLA (alpha Aurigae) - R.A. 05h 13' / DEC +45 57 - Magnitude: 0.1 - deep yellow" USER 05:56:00 37d13m00s "Theta Aurigae" "triple star! - Theta Aurigae - R.A. 05h 56' / DEC + 37 13 - Mags: 2.7, 7.5 & 11, nice target!" USER 04:57:00 39d19m00s "5 Aurigae" "double star - 5 Aurigae - R.A. 04h 57' / DEC + 39 19 - Mags: 6.0 & 9.7 @ 3.2" apart - nice stars!" USER 06:08:00 48d43m00s "41 Aur" "great easy double - 41 Aur - R.A. 06 08' / DEC + 48 43 - Mags: 6.8 & 6.1 - good in smaller apertures!" USER 06:36 28d19m00s "54 Aur" "tough test double - 54 Aur - R.A. 06h 36' / DEC + 28 19 - Mags: 6.1 & 7.7 - test for 5"", 8"" - tough" USER 05:50:00 37d50m00s "Burnham 1053" "3"" test double - Burnham 1053 - R.A. 05h 50' / DEC + 37 20 - Mags: 7.5 & 9.3 - at limit for 3inch !" USER 05:05:00 30d20m00s "RW Aur" "variable star - RW Aur - R.A. 05h 05' / DEC + 30 20 - irregular, Mag 9-12, very erratic!" USER 06:10:00 47d46m00s "SS Aur" "variable star - SS Aur - R.A. 06h 10' / DEC 47 46 - Dwarf nova - Mag 10 to 15, very peculiar star" USER 05:32:00 34d07m00s "Messier 36" "galactic cluster - Messier 36 (ngc1960) - R.A. 05h 32' / DEC + 34 07 - Mag: 6.3, 60 stars" USER 05:49:00 32d33m00s "Messier 37" "galactic cluster - Messier 37 (ngc2099) - R.A. 05h 49' / DEC + 32 33 - Mag: 6.2, 150 stars" USER 05:25:00 35d48m00s "Messier 38" "galactic cluster - Messier 38 (ngc1912) - R.A. 05h 25' / DEC + 35 48 - Mag. 7.4, 100 stars (fine!)" // ngc MAG SIZE ('arc) #stars USER 04:47:00 43d37m00s "NGC 1664" "NGC 1664 mag 7.5 size 15' stars: 40 not much ""cluster"" effect; good in very wide field views" USER 05:17:00 39d18m00s "NGC 1857" "NGC 1857 mag 8.6 size 9' stars: 45 very nice and compact; use med. mag." USER 05:22:00 33d21m00s "NGC 1893" "NGC 1893 mag 8.0 size 12' stars: 20 only a few stars, pretty scattered, low power" USER 05:25:00 35d17m00s "NGC 1907" "NGC 1907 mag 9.9 size 5' stars: 40 very faint and small, compact....med.-high power" USER 05:25:00 35d48m00s "NGC 1912" "NGC 1912 mag 7.4 size 20' stars: 100 M38, very large and scattered, best in wide field" USER 05:32:00 34d07m00s "NGC 1960" "NGC 1960 mag 6.3 size 12' stars: 60 M36, brighter stars over wide area; low powers" USER 05:49:00 32d33m00s "NGC 2099" "NGC 2099 mag 6.2 size 20' stars: 150 M37, the best of the bunch, many tiny stars!" USER 05:58:00 49d55m00s "NGC 2126" "NGC 2126 mag 9.8 size 7' stars: 30 very small and compact; medium power" USER 06:11:00 39d50m00s "NGC 2192" "NGC 2192 mag 10.9 size 6' stars: 30 similar to above, small, faint stars, nice object" USER 06:46:00 41d07m00s "NGC 2281" "NGC 2281 mag 6.7 size 17' stars: 30 very large with few stars; brighter members" #END