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Oracle State Park - Adventures with the Moon

Posted: 8 March 2015

"Adventures with the Moon", Oracle State Park, 7 March 2015

The Evening Interpretive Program began at 7:30pm. The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite, with its mystery and intrigue continues to provide interest to Earth's humans. Oracle State Park volunteer, Dick Boyer, took the Park visitors to the Moon and back through interactive family friendly activities and displays.



Thirty Park visitors heard about the Moon's history, how it appears in the sky, and why it influences life on the Earth.

Kids of all ages were shown how the Moon has different phases throughout a month:



And then the unforecasted rain came! Everyone scrambled to get Dick's displays and move to the Kannally Ranch House living room, where the program continued:


As quickly as the rain came, it left. Everyone then took a "walk to the Moon", as Dick called out the distance they had traveled:



Upon "arrival" at the Moon, we could see the Earth:


The Apollo 11 Lunar Module was landed on the Moon and the American Flag was planted:



The Oracle Dark Skies Committee was on hand to use two of the Park's telescopes to let everyone view the Moon upclose and personal. Unfortunately, clouds, with the threat of more rain prevented the telescopes from being set up.

At the end of Dick's program, visitors sat around the upper patio fire pit and enjoyed smores under the near-full Moon that briefly appeared in a small hole in the clouds:


Dick gave a wonderful presentation that was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks Dick!

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Copyright ©2015 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/ODSC/events/Adventures_with_Moon_OSP_030715/index..html