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Past Events

Updated: 26 June 2016

Since its formation in April 2014, the Oracle Dark Skies Committee has been attending various events around Oracle and Pinal County to talk about its work to have Oracle State Park designated as an "International Dark Sky Park". The Committee also does public outreach on the effects of Light Pollution and how everyone can help reduce the problem and save money as well. Selected past events are mentioned here.

If you would like a Committee member to talk to your company, organization, or group of local residents, please contact Mike Weasner (520-289-3402 or mweasner@mac.com).

Live Music and Star Party, Oracle State Park, Saturday, 25 June 2016

The Oracle Fire Department welcomed visitors to Oracle with this sign:


This is the Oracle Dark Skies Committee (ODSC) set up on the Kannally Ranch House patio:


That's Megan from Northwestern University, who was visiting Oracle State Park this day and night to do research on people's connection to the night sky. The telescope was provided by Mike Weasner, Chair of the ODSC.

The weather never looked promising for the Star Party portion of the night:


But a brief period of light sprinkles did provide a faint full rainbow in the east as sunset approached:


The clouds and sprinkles did not dampen the enthusiam of the crowd of 80 people as they listened to live music provided by Kevin Pakulis and his Band:


Park visitors were able to enjoy a pretty sunset set to music:


Many of the visitors kept asking if the sky would clear up for the Star Party. Unfortunately, although many people waited until past 9 PM, the sky never cleared sufficiently to began telescope use. However, many people did watch a demonstration given by the ODSC of one of the effects of Light Pollution.

The International Dark-Sky Association and volunteers from the Saddlebrooke SkyGazers Club had planned to bring telescopes to the Star Party, but the poor conditions kept them away. We thank them for their support to Oracle State Park. And thanks to the Friends of Oracle State Park for the event support.

Photos by Mike Weasner, Oracle Dark Skies Committee.

Past Events - 2016
Past Events - 2015
Past Events - 2014

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Copyright ©2016 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/ODSC/OSP_062516/index.html