The TV "Market Area Modification" was approved on 8 April 2024 per the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) "MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER", MB Docket No. 24-28, document DA 24-337.
My 11 year long effort on Satellite TV Reform for Pinal County is now complete!
I and many residents greatly appreciate the efforts of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors over the years to prepare and then submit the petition to the FCC in December 2023. My personal thanks go to past Supervisors Pete Rios and Tony Smith for agreeing that the FCC "Designated Market Area" that had been in existence for decades was flawed, unfair, and dangerous, and so initiated the County's petition effort. That effort unfortunately stalled in 2019. Many thanks to Pinal County Supervisor Kevin Cavanaugh, who in February 2021 restarted the petition effort, and to Supervisor Jeffrey McClure, who continued it. Thanks to all the Pinal County residents who contacted the Supervisors with support for the petition. And thanks to the Pinal County attorneys and staff who did the FCC required research to prepare the petition. Finally, I would have gone nuts over the past year were it not for Trecia Koozer, District Administrator for District 4, whose dedication to keeping me and others informed on the petition went well beyond expectations. THANK YOU TRECIA!
Since I was a customer, I contacted DirecTV and asked how soon they would notify their customers in Pinal County that they could receive the Tucson TV stations (about 30 miles away) instead of the Phoenix stations (about 120 miles away). The representative said customers would be notified after DirecTV is notified of the change by the FCC and takes the necessary steps with their system to comply with the FCC order. She had no estimate on how long that process would take. Now Dish TV and DirecTV customers begin the wait...
Good News for Southern Pinal County Satellite TV Customers!
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