Congress and the flawed STELA Legislation

Efforts to overcome Congressional inaction

Pinal County working to get changes in Federal Legislation

10 February 2021: Pinal County Supervisor Cavanaugh and a film crew from Pinal County were in Oracle this day to interview Oracle Fire Chief Jennings and myself on the dangers to the local community from the STELA legislation and the FCC DMA ban on viewing Tucson TV stations, just 30 miles away. The Bighorn Fire of 2020 was the main focus of how local lives are being put at risk by the Federal government.

Chief Jennings (left), Supervisor Cavanaugh (right)

Mike Weasner (left), Supervisor Cavanaugh (right)

The video will be provided to Senators Kelly and Sinema and Congressman O'Halleran.

26 February 2021: I have seen a pre-release copy of the Pinal County video. Here are some frames from the video.


Once the video is released, which may be after Arizona Senators Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema and Congressman Tom O'Halleran have seen it, I will post a link to the video.

Of course, Congress may still wish to wait until the next crisis occurs before taking urgent action since the two crises in 2020 are now in the past. However, they may not have to wait too long before that next crisis, as explained in the KOLD news story Arizona wildfire officials say another year of ‘large fires’ possible.

Pinal County working behind the scenes

Main Flawed STELA Legislation page

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