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Hunter's Moon

Posted: 12 October 2011

The observatory was opened at 1806 MST, 83°F. The sky was clear for this planned short session. I took a quick look at Venus, low in the west, at 1811 MST, using 77X. And then at 1815 MST, the Full Moon was rising. I captured this photo with the D7000 DSLR, f/16, 1/200sec, 300mm:


At 1823 MST, I did some moon observing at 77X. It was too low for good seeing but there was a slight terminator still visible. The exact time for the Full Moon was predicted to be 1906 MST. I began setting up for iPhone lunar imaging. I removed the diagonal and added the visual back. I did a test exposure to ensure the moon's entire disk was captured; it was. I then waited for the precise time of Full Moon to occur.

At 1906 MST, I began imaging the moon with the iPhone 4, afocal, 26mm eyepiece, MX-1 afocal adapter, Camera app. Here is the "Hunter's Moon":


That slight terminator is visible at the top-right (south) in the image.

I then did some brief moon observing at 77X but it was still too low in the sky for good seeing.

The observatory was closed at 1925 MST, 69°F.

A note on my previous spectroscopy imaging: I received an email from the developer of "RSpec", a Windows spectra processing application. He commented:

I just spotted your Star Analyser report. You might be interested in playing around with my spectroscopy software: There’s a 30-day free trial version. Let me know if you have any questions. All the best, Tom

Tom processed one of my images using the software, with some pretty good results. Unfortunately, there is no Mac OS X version. He also pointed out that spectral images should have blue on the left. That's to show increasing Angstrom values towards the right. My previous postings had red on the left.


Go to the previous report.

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