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Crepuscular Rays, Crater Delambre, 3D Moon

Posted: 18 January 2013

As I was walking to the observatory after sunset on Thursday, 17 January 2013, I saw some Crepuscular Rays in the western sky:


The observatory was opened at 1808 MST, 57°F. There was strong breeze blowing frequently. At 1815 MST, viewed Jupiter, 77X. Four moons were visible. The Great Red Spot was rotating out of view. I then viewed the moon, 77X and 222X. During a tour of the lunar terminator, the area around crater Delambre looked fascinating. I set up for afocal imaging with the 8" LX200-ACF and iPhone 4.

Afocal 77X:


Crater Delambre (just left of center) and surrounding area:


Imaging was completed at 1842 MST. I resumed lunar observing with the 2" 9mm 100° FOV eyepiece (222X). Strong breezes continued.

The observatory was closed at 1908 MST, 53°F.

When I walked out of the observatory, I was temporarily blinded by the horizontally aimed floodlights from the neighbor's house to the north:


Everytime I have gone to the neighbor's house in the past to discuss their light nuisance, either their dogs kept me away or no one was home.

A short time after I closed the observatory, Bill Dillon (@wdillon) in Texas tweeted a photo of the moon he had taken this night using his 12" telescope and an iPhone. I realized that his photo was taken at almost the same time as mine. With his permission, I present the following 3D image of last night's moon using the Texas-Arizona baseline. Bill's image is on the left (taken at 0155 UT) and mine is on the right (taken at 0131 UT). Click the image for a larger version. Use the "fusion technique" (cross your eyes and allow the images to merge and focus) and you will see a slight 3D effect (especially at the poles).

Click image for a larger version

There are some two other 3D moon images on the Moon photo album.

I hope to attend a star party on Saturday, 16 February 2013, sponsored by Astronomy magazine and the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association. During the day there will be talks and solar observing. At night there will be some observing as well. I'll post a further update on my plans closer to the date.

Comments are welcome; use the Comments section below, or you can Email Me. Thanks.

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