![]() Last updated: 23 July 2003 |
Subject: Brand new ETX125 DEC Gearbox failure Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 08:26:07 From: jaywward@gate.net (Jay Ward) I just got a brand new ETX125-UHTC after waiting what seemed like forever. I had it less than 30 days before the Dec motor gearbox started making clicking sounds (like a gear was stripped) and the OTA stopped moving. It occured even if I loosened the Dec clutch. Called Meade, they said send it back. No Mars for me :- I noticed prior to this that the whole OTA would shift back and forth between the forks when I changed direction on the Dec axis. I took a quick peek before returning it. The stripped gear was inside the plastic gear box. The big gear, closest to the motor, spun fine. The final plastic gear before the worm gear shaft looked fine too. It was something inside the black plastic gearbox (that had been over tightened and was oozing lube) that was stripped. Way too much plastic in the gear train if you ask me. Jay Ward Deerfield Beach, Florida http://www.gate.net/~jaywward KE4ZOG, NAR 78126, L2<Mike here: Sorry you've had a problem. Did you check with your dealer first?
Yep, B&H in NY. They said they had a 14 day return policy and I had mine 28 days. They said I had to go back to Meade, and Meade said "too bad, you have to pay to return it". I said "even if it's a factory defect?" They said "that's the way the warranty reads, sorry. It will take 2-3 weeks after they receive it."Mike here: OK. Keep me posted.
Subject: Celestron Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 17:07:36 From: willensdo@comcast.net (Michael Willens) I ordered the ETX 125 UHTC because of the deal with the autostar and tripod as well as the eyepieces back in May. Amazon keeps changing the delivery date. Now, Celestron has a deal with the NexStar 5i. I wanted to find out your opinion. It seems like a good deal for just about the same price. Michael WillensMike here: Have you checked with a telescope dealer? I don't know how Amazon's supply works. As to the NexStar 5, I compared the original model to the ETX-125EC back in 1999; you can read that article linked from the top of the current ETX-125 feedback page.
Amazon is having trouble getting the ETX's (like everyone else.) I did read the comparison. I don't know if the stats are still correct but it seems like the Celestron is the better one. What do you think is the bottom line or at least the major selling points of each?Mike here: Each user has to decide which is the better solution to meet their needs. Each one has pluses and minuses. Since I have no direct experience with the current Celestron models I can't comment personally on them.
I appreciate your thoughts.
Subject: Mirror Shift - ETX 125 Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 10:51:25 From: rmaski@pacbell.net (Rollen Maski) I'm getting quite a bit of shift in the mirror when reversing focus adjustment. Haven't located anything on your site about the problem. I see Meade 4504 Mirror "Flex" Modification (10/18/00, Don't know if this relates to the problem, because I can't open this link. Anything else you can direct me to? Or do you have any suggestions as to a fix? Thanks, Rollen MaskiMike here: Thanks for pointing out the broken external link; I'll remove it on the next Site update. On the same page (Telescope Tech Tips) there are some links for "image shift". You may or may not be able to cure the problem if excessive. The telescope may be significantly out of collimation. You may or may not want to attempt re-collimating it (see the collimation articles). Could be time to call Meade.
Thanks, Mike. RM
Subject: ETX-125 on Vixen mount Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2003 01:40:08 From: p.v.camerijk@wxs.nl (Peter van Camerijk) I would like to show you my modified ETX 125!!!! Allthough I had good Goto's with my Autostar I had some anoying vibrations from the motors of the ETX. I have been using a wedge and a very sturdy tripod (from the Synta EQ 6) but this very stabil combination induced more vibration during high power observations (I frequently use up to 422 x for the moon without any loss of contrast; quit good I think for this little bleu devil wthout UHTC). Last month I came across a second hand GP mount from Vixen. Inow use the Mighty ETX 125 in combiantion with a GP mount, a EQ 6 tripod and the Vixen Skysensor. And man, this is an awesome combination!!!!!! It is so sturdy and stabil. Allthough my autostar goto's were very good, the skysensor puts the autostar to shame (i am sorry mr. Meade). OK it is very expensive (only the skysensor costst almost as much as a complete ETX with tripod!!!!) but it is really fabulous and precise. All objects were in my FOV of my SWA 13,8 mm (dead center) and only when I crossed the entire sky form east to west the object was deadcenter in my 26 mm FOV. Not bad at all. This all happened after I simply mounted the motors on the GP without training or aligning the skysensor with the motors. I used the polarscope to align the mount to polaris (with the off set to the pole) and that was it....... The most important thing is that I can use my ETX 125 in a way that really makes this incredible telescope perfect!!!!!! No vibration and goto's dead on!!! Great Clear skies Peter van Camerijk Holland
Subject: More ETX-125 motor failures Sent: Thursday, July 3, 2003 02:28:53 From: HawaiiMacks@hawaii.rr.com (Gerald Mackaman) I have had an identical problem w/ my new ETX-125 right out of the box. It occurred consistently with new batteries, power supply, etc. The longest stretch I have enjoyed auto tracking w/o the failure is about 3 minutes. It was definitely not a hard stop issue. After talking w/ the Meade tech reps they told me to send in the unit for repair under warranty. Unfortunately I get to foot the bill for shipping. I'm sorry to hear you are suffering similar woes.I wonder how many more recently shipped units are experiencing the problem. Best of luck. Gerald
Subject: ETX 125 Assembly Diagram? Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2003 13:53:47 From: snm_0102@yahoo.com (Mark) To start with, what a great ETX web site! You have some great information on it. Too bad Meade didn't hire you to do some of it's tech documents. To the point, is there a source for getting the assembly diagrams for the Meade ETX 125? I have recently purchased a used ETX 125 with the newer mounts. It seems all your tune up advice is geared toward the older model. My main problem is that my system does have way too much grease in it, and needs to have some cleaning done. Unfortunately, I have been unwilling to take apart the RA assembly, and unable to remove the DEC arm and clutch. I'd like to see how things fit together before I break something while trying to take it apart. Any help with the new mounts would be welcome. Keep up the great info, MarkMike here: There are several articles (with photos) on the Telescope Tech Tips page.
Subject: Sears Special Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2003 09:23:25 From: Harvey.Wong@us.mwhglobal.com Sears Special: Meade ETX 125EC w/Tripod/Autostar for $719.99
Subject: Meade ETX 125EC Sent: Tuesday, July 1, 2003 11:13:56 From: guydestefano@earthlink.net (Guy DeStefano) You do a super job maintaing this website. I have a two questions please. I am thinking about purchasing a meade ETX 125EC. The 125EC will come without a stand/tripod, and computer driven software etc. What is the model number Meade tripod will I need, and what else will I need to hookup this up to my computer. Again thanks very much. guydestefano@earthlink.netMike here: If this is a used system, you might want to look at a new purchase; you'll get the Autostar #497 and #884 tripod included as standard now. Otherwise, you will need to purchase an Autostar, the tripod, and buy or make a #505 cable.
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I took your advise, searched the net, and found at Amazon for $894.00 shipped, I get a new ETX 125EC + the 497 software + 884 tripod. Package not released yet, won't be delivered until the week of August 11, 2003. One last question please, you mentioned a #505 cable. Is this the cable I will need to hook the AutoStar directly into my laptop. Is there anything else you can think of that I will need to accomplish this. If I wanted to take pictures, do you recommend a camera, and also what cables etc will I need to do this. Yes I am going to buy your book this week. Thanks in advance for all of your help. GuyMike here: The #505 cable is used to connect the Autostar to a serial port on a computer. Info on making the cable is on the Autostar Information page. If your computer only has USB you'll also need a serial-USB adapter. As to astrophotography, see the Accessory Reviews - Astrophotography and Helpful Information - Astrophotography pages.
Check the Feedback Archives for previous editions of the ETX-125 Feedback pages.
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