![]() Last updated: 18 June 2005 |
This page documents Canon digital cameras comments, tips, and photos. Search the site for "canon" for other items about the Canon digital cameras. Contributions welcome.
Subject: DigiMax T40 adapter question Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 13:21:30 From: Carol and Bill McCarey (carolandbillmccarey@yahoo.com) two quick questions as an ETX-125 owner: 1. I use a Digimax T40 with a 1.25" tube on one end and on the other end is a 55mm male thread that screws into the lens on my Canon 20D 18mm eye piece in place of the filter. The new 10mm Canon lens has come out but its diameter is 77mm. Do you know anywhere an adapter this size that fits the Digimax T40 can be found? I would even settle for a 72mm adapter. I wrote an email to Astro Engineering but never got a response. 2. I wrote to you maybe 18 months ago about how to get my ETX-125 to autotrack. It just slews randomly and still does. I have given up on using it any other way except by manual alignment through the finder scope and using manual adjustments for tracking. I just read an article that said the AutoStar controller might be at fault and a new software version should be downloaded into it. I could not locate a download page at meade.com. Did I miss it? I use your site frequently. Good advice. Attached please find (another) shot of the moon at 9 AM using my Canon 20D SLR. 64 images stacked using RegiStax.Mike here: You could check a local camera store for a step ring to take you from one size to another. As to the download from Meade's, simple answer is to check the link I have on the Helpful Information: Autostar Info page.Thanks. Bill McCarey ![]()
Subject: Planetary images for guest astrophotography gallery Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 09:42:51 From: Bruce Pipes (bevnbruce@comcast.net) Attached are examples of planetary pics taken with my ETX-125 and my Canon S110 digital camera. They are compared with images exported from Starry Night for the same times the pics were taken. Note that Starry Night seems to get the position of the Great Red Spot slightly wrong. The pics were all taken afocally in movie mode (640X480 pixels, 20fps) and stacked and processed with Keith's Image Stacker. Bruce Pipes Lancaster, PA![]()
Subject: adapter for canon rebel xt to meade etx-125 Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 07:00:18 From: Dubboy44@aol.com (Dubboy44@aol.com) Still enjoying your site...great work!! Would like to know if you have a part # for the adapter to connect my canon rebel xt to the meade etx-125...Jack Newton shows one in the June issue of Astronomy mag on page 72 but no mention of part #. Thanks, Don Schwab...dubboy44@aol.comMike here: Check the Scopetronix web site; they have excellent adapters for many cameras.
Subject: Jupiter 05-11-05 Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 04:13:29 From: Tom Mordasky (mordaskyt@mac.com) This is a composite of two exposures, one at iso 50 f4.8 1/15" for the planet and the second at iso 200 f4.8 3" for the moons. I resisted the urge to process it further in photoshop. I took this last night (05/11/05) using the stock 26mm eyepiece and a 2x barlow. The camera was my little Cannon Powershot A80 and a homemade digital camera adaptor. The adaptor is so simple and functional that I will submit it to you so others can enjoy as well. This was my first attempt at using the adaptor with the scope in polar mode to shoot anything other than the moon. The ETX-90!And:![]()
Funny I thought to include all that camera setting info and forgot to say which scope I had, well its early what can I say. Here is a shot taken last year of the Lunar eclipse (The one that heralded the Red Sox' come from behind victory over NY, strange portents abounded)Only just the 26mm eyepiece, no barlow. ![]()
Subject: ETX-125 / Canon A75 interface? Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 09:24:56 From: Matias Petrela (mpetrel@fi.uba.ar) I'd like to know if anyone in your site has ever properly attached the popular Canon A75 digicam into an ETX-125. I did my homework and searched all around the site before writing this, but it looks like most people is using expensive cameras for this and I'm not planning to reach that far (yet!). I'd appreciate if someone can give me straight names of one or two accessories that can serve this purpose, and feedback from any A75' owner with any experience on astrophotography. Thank you so much for this classic site. MatasMike here: Well, I used the Search capability on the ETX Home Page and found four references to "canon a75".
Yes, but 3 matches are from people that are using the video function of the camera to take pictures: the only reason I can think of to use this poor quality method is that they are holding the camera with their hands and need lots of pics to rescue maybe 1 or 2. The 4rth match sends me directly to the Astrophotography page, which I navigated but found no direct answer. Thanks anyway! MatiasMike here: Well, not being personally familiar with the A75, I have no direct answer. But have you checked the Accessory Reviews: Astrophotography page for an appropriate adapter? Scopetronix sells adapters (some reviewed there) for many digital camera models.
Subject: adapters for newer Canon lenses Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2005 22:48:23 From: Draper,Richard A (draperr@uakron.edu) I also wondered about connecting any lenses from my old Canon (FD). I saw a site that had adapters for newer Canon lenses, but not FD. Any suggestions as to how to do that, achieve focus, etc. Rick DraperMike here: See the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page; lots of tips and items there.
Subject: Have You Seen This New Astro Camera from Canon?... Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 19:13:31 From: Greg Askins (gregaskins@cox.net) http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http:// cweb.canon.jp/camera/eosd/20da/&prev=/search%3Fq%3D http:// cweb.canon.jp/camera/eosd/20da/index.html%26hl%3Den%26lr%3DMike here: OPT has more info: http://www.optcorp.com/product.aspx?pid=6513&tb=1
Subject: Digital Camera Question Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 00:29:48 From: Tony Bulat (tjbulat@spe.midco.net) Briefly, Santa brought me a new Canon PowerShot S1 IS for Christmas. Nice digital camera, plan to use it for some astrophotography. I queried ScopeTronix about an adapter that would attach my new camera using 1.25 inch eyepieces to my ETX-125. They have a couple of solutions, The first is the MaxView 40 eyepiece and the Attachment Kit # 71. These cost $ 200.00. For economical purposes, they recommend the Digi-T System # 71 costing $100.00 My question is will both or either of these setups be sufficient to hold my camera in place on my ETX-125 without any other support mechanisms. The camera is nice and light and should not be a burden on the gears of the scope like my old SLR. It only weighs 13 oz's. My biggest complaint is the garbage in the viewfinder or the LCD with all the ICONS and crap the camera industry thinks they need to display for the people who can't read, and as far as I know there's no way of getting rid of it. Enuf said, thanks again Mike. Tony,Mike here: The Digi-T is nice; see the Accessory Reviews: Astrophotography page on the ETX Site for a review. I use it with my Nikon Coolpix 995.
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