Subject: ETX-70AT Astrophotos Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:23:17 From: Andre Cruz (drecruz@me.com) Taken afocal with a Canon S5 IS and a Scopetronix Digi-T adapter. The deep sky photos are 15 second exposures except M31 which was 60 seconds at ISO 800. All taken from light polluted skies in Jacksonville, Florida. Thanks, Andre
Subject: Canon 450 D Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 14:44:44 From: Jan H Kolst (koja@tele2.no) I got a new Canon 450 D for Christmas and I was wondering if you could give me some basic advice concerning the setting for astro photo? I have an OPT adapter (cheap black one) and an off axis.Canon T-ring as well. So I'm able to mount it to my LX 90 8". I am unsure which settings on the camera to use apart from using Live view Function settings.I appreciate any suggestions! Thanks Jan NorwayMike here: For lots of general tips, see the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page. For specific usage of the Canon 450D, search the ETX Site for "canon 450d".
Subject: Cannon A560 Digital Camera Question Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 07:16:50 From: Ted Trostle (tctrostle@gmail.com) I have been playing around with my ETX 125 and my Canon A560 camera to slowly learn the how-to's and maybe take some good astro-photos. The main problem is the very short exposure time allowed by the camera set up. I have found that the CHDK software has some scripts that provide 64 sec exposures. This helps, but I would like to get to 12 or 15 minute exposures. Does anyone have an idea on a CDHK script that gives such long exposures?Mike here: For long duration exposures, keep in mind that precise tracking will be required. And the digital noise will increase as well. Usually it is better to keep exposures short (seconds to a couple of minutes), take multiple images of the object, and then stack them. It is more work of course but the results are usually better. Of course, if you are like me, you want to get the maximum out of a single exposure. I rarely stack my images.
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