Last updated: 26 November 2001

Astronomy with Small Telescopes The book Astronomy with Small Telescopes has been published by Springer in its Practical Astronomy Series. I am thrilled to announce that Chapter 9 (25 pages) of this 157 page book is entitled "The Mighty ETX" and was written by your humble webmaster.

To quote the editor, Stephen Tonkin, from his introduction:

"Mike Weasner calls his little Maksutov-Cassegrain 'The Mighty ETX' with good reason."

The book will be available beginning in April 2001.

You can order it from by clicking on the button below. Ordering by clicking the button will help offset some of the costs of maintaining this web site. Thanks for your support.
Click to Purchase from


Some of you may be wondering why I selected I thought about this selection a long time before it was announced. One option was to ask the dealers that are mentioned frequently on this site if they might carry this book. But to avoid favoritism to any of these dealers I decided to use a book dealer. Then it came down to which of my friends who are book dealers should be used. Oops, back to the favoritism problem again. So I went with the anonymous (at least to me)

I hope everyone understands. If you decide to purchase the book, use the link above or purchase from your favorite dealer, whichever you are comfortable with doing. Either way, I thank you for the support.

Book Table of Contents:

Introduction by Stephen Tonkin
I Refractors
   1 "Upgrading a 60mm Refractor" by Stephen Tonkin
   2 "Experiences with a 60mm Telescope" by Robert Hatch
   3 "Observing with a 60mm Refractor" by Stephen Tonkin
   4 "The Orion ShortTube 80mm Rich-field Refractor" by Dave Mitsky
   5 "Visual Observation of Deep-sky Objects with Small Telescopes" by Jay Reynolds Freeman
II Reflectors
   6 "A 100mm Reflector in the Hands of a Young Astronomer" by Tim Tonkin
   7 "Modifying the Orion ShortTube Reflector" by Dwight Elvey
   8 "The Celestron Firstscope 114 Deluxe" by Kevin P. Daly
III Catadioptrics
   9 "The Mighty ETX" by Michael L. Weasner
   10 "The C5++" by Stephen Tonkin
IV Radio
   11 "Meteor Observations with a Small Radio Telescope" by Stephen Tonkin

As you can tell, there is a lot more than just my chapter that will be useful to all model ETX and DS owners.


You can visit Stephen Tonkin's web site for more his books:

He maintains an errata page for his books at:

He has already started collecting errata on Astronomy with Small Telescopes.


Now a selection from the Astronomy Book Club.


See the "Using the Meade ETX" page for information about my new ETX book.

Go back to my ETX Home Page.

Copyright ©2001, 2008 Michael L. Weasner /