Last updated: 17 April 2009
Subject:	ETX-80, ETX-LS magnification chart
Sent:	Tuesday, April 14, 2009 14:13:46
From:	Dimitris C. Milionis (
I bought a ETX-80 for my 13 year old son so we could bond, but I could
not find a simple chart so I made one to share

it's a dame shame that a company builds a product with so many missing
extra tools

No dew hood,
No scope
No fast and fine focus option
No on body red led light for the tray [keep hands free]
And the noise it makes
No iPod software to drive the Autostar [sons request]

my respects

Dimitris C. Milionis
visual artist
Google or Yahoo:  "dimitris milionis
Skype:  dimitris.milionis
Facebook:  dimitris c. milionis
Artprice:  dimitris c. milionis

Click image for full-size version

Click here for Excel version

Mike here: As to extra tools, how much would you pay for all those extras? Many of them are available as options. I too would like the iPhone/iPod software!

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