Last updated: 24 June 2004

3nd Annual Mighty ETX Star Party

The following responses have been received. If you wish to respond please email me at this special email address: Please do not use this special address for general user feedback/inquiries/responses and please do not combine messages meant as a response to this Call for Interest with email sent for other purposes.

Subject:	Star Party at the Wigwam
Sent:	Sunday, June 20, 2004 23:49:50
From:	Paul Zadach (
Glad to see that the star party is actually going to happen. I will
bring my 5 inch ETX  to the party. I have some friends who own the ETX
as well as some other scopes such as the LX 200 GPS and some Dobs. I was
just wondering if they could bring those, or if this is strictly for
ETXs only.
Looking forward to dark skys,
Mike here: Do bring your friends with their telescopes!
Subject:	RE: ETX star party...
Sent:	Monday, May 24, 2004 18:25:01
From:	Bill VanOrden (
BTW, if a large scope is needed I can bring my 10" LX50-SD

Beevo (aka Bill VanOrden)
Mike here: Since there will be two stargazing parties at the same time, extra telescopes will get used! Thanks.
Subject:	Star Party
Sent:	Saturday, May 22, 2004 19:52:41
From:	Kelley Law (
Are you still planning on the Star Party at the Wigwam Resort? I moved
from Carlsbad CA to AZ last year. The Sky is not bad at night. At lease
the sky glow from Phoenix is N.E. of the area. I am moving to a
community just south of Wigwam, Esrella Mountain Ranch, which should
have even less sky glow.

So if you are still planning on the party, me and my wife will attend.
If anything I will bring a ETX-90 along. As for the nights, either or
both will be good for me.

Mike here: Thanks. As noted on the 16 May update, the event is confirmed for Saturday, 3 July.
Subject:	ETX star party...
Sent:	Thursday, May 13, 2004 19:33:54
From:	"Bill VanOrden" (
That gives me 45 days to figure out how to operate my recently purchased
125 (like 5 hours ago) scope!


I live in the Phoenix area (Tempe to be exact) and would like to attend.

Also if you need any local support or help, let me know.

Beevo (aka Bill VanOrden)

Meade LX50-SD
Meade ETX125

Subject:	ETX Star party
Sent:	Thursday, May 6, 2004 15:00:21
From:	Stanley Carl T MSgt 755 AMXS/CCX (
Even though I no longer own an ETX (sold it last summer) I would still
like to come. I'll bring my smaller telescope, an Orion 127mm SkyView
Pro (I have a large dob, but my wife is taking the vehicle I trasport it
in during that weekend). Either night will work for me, and I'm be
traveling from Tucson. I suppose with the full moon, I'll mainly be
viewing planets and double stars.


Subject:	ETX star Party 2004
Sent:	Wednesday, May 5, 2004 19:06:57
I posted my intent to attend the ETX star party at your special e-mail
site.  I only live a few miles from the WigWam.  It is a great resort,
and I think we could have some good seeing, despite the full moon. There
is some light pollution to the east from downtown Phoenix, but
typically, we have very little if any cloud cover and very low humidity
at that time of year.  It's hot though, prepare for up to 115 during the
day, but even in the upper 90s at night it is comfortable with the low
humidity.  I would be happy to help you in any way to make this happen. 
I could go over to the WigWam and look for potential viewing sites, not
a problem there, and provide lodging locations for people if the WigWam
is sold out. Also, they have two golf courses which could be a
possibility for viewing locations if the resort was agreable.

On a side note, At the last star party I was at, a fellow ETX 125 user
said the best thing I could buy would be the electric focuser.  Do you

Thanks, and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you
here in Phoenix.
Mike here: The electric focuser is good to reduce vibrations from touching the focus knob; you can read my comments on the Accessory Reviews - Showcase Products page. There is also another review on the Accessory Reviews - Miscellaneous page.
Subject:	star party
Sent:	Monday, May 3, 2004 18:20:04
From:	"Perry" (
B.yes 125GPS
D.Tucson... 2

Sent:	Thursday, April 29, 2004 06:56:54
From:	"Mike & Lisa Green" (
If you can ever get to Texas you need to come to the small Texas town of
HUBBARD(1800 pop.)and view at the Hubbard City Lakes.Great 6.2 mag
skies!Maybe some day you could host an ETX PARTY
there!(254)576-2838-Please feel free to pass on my e-mail and home
number to those who may be looking for a good deepsky site in Central

Thanks!---michael green 501 NE 8TH STREET-HUBBARD,TEXAS 76648

Subject:	ETX Star Party
Sent:	Wednesday, April 28, 2004 14:51:13
From:	Stanley Carl T MSgt 755 AMXS/CCX (
Not a very good weekend for it, there's a full moon on Friday the 1st of

Carl Stanley 
Mike here: Unfortunately I didn't schedule either the convention or the celestial movements!

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