Last updated: 31 October 2004

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: [31 Oct 04]
Attached is a montage I put together from the eclipse. There were clouds during the first part of the eclipse, so I started with the full eclipse. Although I also own an lx-90, for full shots of the moon, I can't beat the etx-70, which I affectionately call Barney (the lx-90 is named Fred). Hope you can use the shot. It would be great to again contribute to such an awesome web site.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: Igor Stojic ( [31 Oct 04]
This photos are taken in Zrenjanin, Serbia, using ETX/70 and Canon digital IXUS 400. Thank You one more time for this great site.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: ( [31 Oct 04]
Despite the earliest snowstorm in 35 years...the clouds managed to part for this series of pics of the lunar eclipse!!!
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: [31 Oct 04]
Thought I'd share my photo experience during last Thursday's Lunar eclipse. I hope you'll post this in the Film Astrophotography section, Canon camera. The forecasters were predicting poor seeing conditions for the eclipse, but when I spotted the Moon through clearing clouds, I rushed for my Meade ETX70AT, Canon A-1 (with Kodak 400 ASA) and Celestron Ultima 2X Barlow. Attached is a composite of the outcome. Exposures were aperture priority and times ranged from 0.5 to :06 seconds. Individual images were equalized in Paint Shop Pro and composed in PhotoImpression 2000.
I love my little ETX. It was just the right tool for the job. Hauling out and setting up my LX90 with ToUcam 840K would have taken too much time, given the sudden improvement in the weather.
Thanks for a wonderful web resource.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: mark mathosian ( [31 Oct 04]
Here is a nice collage of the 10/27/04 lunar eclipse. I shot this with my Nikon Coolpix 995, Meade ETX90, 32mm lens.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: Rick ( [31 Oct 04]
I am sure you have lots of images, but why not add to the amazing selection. The set of three images here were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 camera through a Meade ETX 90 and 32mm Meade EP. Settings were 200 ASA, approx. 1 sec. exp. and f/2.6. These images were all around 10:15 to 10:30 timeframe.
Around Keene (south of Peterborough, Ontario), the night was next to perfect, Clear skies a light breeze and not only the odd meteor was sighted, but the coyotes were singing too. Life is good here!
Lunar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: Luis Villa ( [31 Oct 04]
Here is a picture of the Eclipse, I am sure you have or will receive many of these..... I was going to try for a sequence from first contact with the Earths shadow through totality, but the clouds did not cooperate, except when it counted most.... Totality. The clouds were still around but there were large gaps forming, enough to take this and many other pictures. Nikon CoolPix 995 and my ETX-125 with a Meade 40mm eyepiece and the Scopetronics digital camera adapter...
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: Skoubis, George ( [28 Oct 04]
Attached is an image combination of the photos I took last night in Glenview, IL using my ETX90EC and an Olympus 3000 Digital Camera. Images ranged from 3 to 5 second exposures using a Scopetronix's Digi-T through a 25mm eyepiece. Photos were cleaned and moved to a single image using Photoshop.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: Stephen T. Wangner ( [28 Oct 04]
Taken last night. Feel free to use it on your site if you like.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: mark mathosian ( [28 Oct 04]
Thought you might like to see this composite photo of the Lunar eclipse over Naples. Shot last night through a Meade ETX90 telescope with a digital camera. Shots taken between 9:30 and 11:00 p.m.
Lunar Eclipse
I like the way this one came out. I call it tropical lunar eclipse. Thought you might want to post it on your Sky board.
Lunar Eclipse
Submitted by: Lonnie Wege ( [28 Oct 04]
From a cloudy Dallas with a Toshiba PRD 3300.
Lunar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse

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See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for more photos posted in 2004.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for more photos of the November 2003 eclipse.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for photos of the May 2003 eclipse.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 1999 for photos taken in 1999.

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Submittals are Copyright © 2004 by the Submitter