Last updated: 31 December 2004

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: [31 Dec 04]
I took this image of the Venus transit ( and the incidental Gull in the middle!) immediately after the entire disk of the Sun had risen just above a shimmering Lake Michigan dawn from the Northwestern University Campus landfill in Evanston, IL. It was taken at prime focus through a vintage (first production run) Meade 90 mm ETX, unfiltered, with a Canon digital EOS Rebel camera.
Venus Transit
I also took this image of the Venus transit immediately after the entire disk of the Sun had risen just above a shimmering Lake Michigan dawn from the Northwestern University Campus landfill in Evanston, IL. It was taken at prime focus through a vintage (first production run) Meade 90 mm ETX, unfiltered, with a Canon digital EOS Rebel camera.
I want to thank you for the effort you made some years ago to help me smooth out the motions of the drive in my ETX. As you probably don't remember, my ETX was so early in the run that they actually epoxied the gears on severly limiting the benefits of attempts to improve the motion of the mount.
Venus Transit
Submitted by: Seth Robinson ( [3 Oct 04]
I was in Europe this June and managed to catch Venus in transit on a day off in Verona. My hotel room didn't face the eastern sky, so my original idea of setting up in the room didn't work. I went to the front desk and, after much misunderstanding and failed attempts at primitive sign language I was able to convey my desires to the manager. The hotel manager, in broken English, expressed his personal interest in the event and showed me how to get onto the roof of the hotel to obtain the best view. I was on the roof at 6:30 the next morning slewing my scope to Venus (a simple solution to the "how to track the sun" problem that someone on the ETX site had recommended). Once everything was up and running I went back to the room and started calling other members of my crew who wanted to join me. During the 6 hours that it lasted I had about 25 people look through the eyepiece. All were stunned. It was a long day and I had one heckuva sunburn when it was all over, but, given the chance, I'd do it again tomorrow.
Venus Transit
Submitted by: PIETRO DUCCI ( [28 Jul 04]
Venus Transit Venus Transit
Submitted by: Ricci Felice ( [25 Jul 04]
8/06/04 Transito di Venere sul Sole
Venus Transit
Submitted by: Olivier Cioni ( [13 Jul 04]
Hi, here are somes shots of transit of Venus, taken with an ETX105 and a webcam. You can see my website
Venus Transit
Submitted by: Gordon McGowan ( [24 Jun 04]
Hope you don't mind me mailing you. I know you've probaly been inundated with images from the Transit of Venus on 8th June but here are some more:
I'm a novice to astrophotography working with an ETX-70AT. If you think any of these images are worth displaying on your Web site, please let me know and I will mail them to you.
I purchased your book, btw, and it is an excellent companion for those new to Meade compact robotic instruments.
Nottingham, England
Submitted by: Lou ( [20 Jun 04]
Not OT for ETX-90 but interesting photos.
Submitted by: Denis JOYE ( [20 Jun 04]
You may find some ETX90 shots on my web page dedicated to Venus transit at :
In the middle of the page :
- a full disk color picture
- a link to a full disk transit movie
Denis Joye - FRANCE
Submitted by: mark mathosian ( [20 Jun 04]
Here is a nice composite view of the transit and the sky over Ft. Lauderdale when I shot the photos.
Venus Transit
Submitted by: Rick ( [20 Jun 04]
The attached images are ones that are a little different than most I have seen. These were taken with a Nikon digital camera (995 Coolpix), afocal through a Meade ETX 90 scope, "without" a solar filter. The sun was still being filtered through the clouds and haze at the horizon on June 8th. The distortion and odd shape of the solar disk, along with the weird colouring is rather interesting I think. Peterborough, Ont.
Venus Transit Venus Transit
Submitted by: ( [16 Jun 04]
Here another movie and collage from the Venus transit with my 300mm telelens.
Venus Transit Venus Transit
Click photo to view movie (128KB) in a new window
Submitted by: claudio custodio ( [16 Jun 04]
Fotos attached were taken In Willianstown in Melbourne on the 8/6/04 in the Afternoon. They were taken using the etx 125 and a nikon 5400 digital camera attached to a 40mm eyepiece.
Venus Transit Venus Transit
Submitted by: James R. Allen ( [12 Jun 04]
First, I'd like to say that I love you site. It has to be the best source of ETX information on the planet. I realize that you are probably getting flooded with Venus pictures, but I thought I'd send this one in because it's the first time I've ever attempted taking a picture through a telescope. It was taken from Budapest Hungary, and was as close to the second contact as I could get. I used my ETX90RA with the 26mm plossl and a Kodak EasyShare CX4200 camera. I just held the camera over the eyepiece and hoped for the best. I'm quite pleased with the results, but something else happened that day that I thought was better. My friend and I were packing it up for the day. My telescope was already put away, and my friend was getting some last minute shots through his SLR camera. An elderly woman came by and asked if we could see anything. She had some eclipse glasses, but said that she couldn't see anything through them. A look through my friend's camera viewfinder wasn't really much better, so I told her that if she would wait a moment, I'd be happy to set the telescope back up and she could have a look. She took a look for awhile, and when she raised her face from the eyepiece she was so happy, almost crying. She thanked us both very much for being so kind, and then she told us that it was her birthday. She was on her way to the observatory to ask if they would let her see something, but she was glad that it happened this way just walking though the park, and it was a wonderful birthday present. It really feels good to bring a little happiness to someone. It was a very nice day.
Thanks for listening,
Budapest Hungary
Venus Transit
Submitted by: mark mathosian ( [12 Jun 04]
Here are some shots of the Venus/Sun transit from June 8, 2004. I shot them through my Meade ETX90 with a solar filter. Some very dramatic cloud covering made some shots very interesting.
Venus Transit Venus Transit Venus Transit
Submitted by: ( [12 Jun 04]
just to compare both transits.
Venus Transit
Submitted by: Craig J. Kopra ( [12 Jun 04]
I enjoyed seeing the many photos of the Venus transit at your website. Here is my small contribution. The smaller inserted image was taken near 6:05am EST just as the Sun was clearing the trees and the larger was taken an hour later. I used my Meade ETX-90EC, a 32mm eyepiece, Scopetronix solar filter, Olympus D-40 Zoom digital camera, and the Scopetronix EZ-Pix camera adapter. The location of the photo is Grand Island, NY - just before my workday began.
Venus Transit

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