Last updated: 22 September 2005

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. You will also find astrophotography examples on the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page.

Submitted by: Stephan Krah ( [22 Sep 05]
attached you find a shot of the Dumbell nebula M27. I used ETX125 with Meade DSI, IR-Filter and 0.5 focal reducer. 20% of 148 shots stacked with GIOTTO, 15 sec. exposure. Result was enhaced in brightness, contrast and color. Visibility was limited due to 1 day after full moon. Hope its worth to be posted. Best regards from Germany
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [19 Sep 05]
Finally some deepsky. Found this nebula in Sky&Telescope so I thought I give it a try.
Submitted by: [13 Sep 05]
Not a 'goodie' but to show it can be done with the ETX-70 from my suburban location: M27, Dumbell Nebula
2005-09-08, 23:15 CEST, ETX-70AT with ToUCam SC1 at prime focus, 20x30s exposures
The 13m.5 central star is visible as well as a touch of the weaker nebulosities.
Submitted by: Stephan Krah ( [13 Sep 05]
M13 is always a worthy object. I used ETX125 with Meade DSI, IR-Rilter, 0.5 Focal reducer. Exposure was 5.7s, 69 shots stacked with GIOTTO and contrast adjusted. I hope its worth to be posted.
heres another one from Germany. M57 Ring Nebular with ETX125 and Meade DSI. Attached IR-Filter and 0.5 Focal Reducer. 85 shots out of 283, each 5.7 s exposure stacked with GIOTTO. Contrast was slightly adjusted. No color enhacemend ! I hope, its worth to be posted.
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [1 Sep 05]
After a little astro dip I put my ETX outside again. M27 is nice.
Submitted by: James Jefferson-Wilson James ( [1 Sep 05]
M2 Taken with ATIK 2C - 30 Exposure of 10secs
Submitted by: SIMON GREENWOOD ( [1 Sep 05]
I picked this one from the southern murk here in Thurrock. Light pollution was a severe problem but I managed to isolate a reasonable image of M17. 8 of 18, 20 second exposures were used.
M15 is ideally suited to the f/9.6 field of my ETX. It is a little smaller than M13 so fits a lot better. The image was a lot easier than the earlier post of the Swan! 11 of 29, 21s exposures.
Submitted by: [25 Aug 05]
yesterday, in a gap between the clouds that have passed by and the ones to come, me and my ETX-70AT did two quick shots of the globular clusters in 'Hercules'. Half an hour later no more stars could be seen. That's ONE reason for an ETX-70: put everything together in 10 minutes and be ready to go in 15 (forget cooling down; not really necessary with this scope) M92: 2005-08-24, ETX-70AT with ToUCam SC1 at prime focus, 20x15s exposures, darkframe, Giotto Paint Shop Pro. M92 looks 'grainy' but is resolved only in the outer parts
M13: 2005-08-24, ETX-70AT with ToUCam SC1 at prime focus; 15x15s exposures, darkframe, Giotto, Paint Shop Pro I was really surprised how nicely M13 looks; it is much better resolved (70mm lense!)
Hope your next 'Oracle Observatory' is a clear sky.
Submitted by: James Jefferson-Wilson James ( [25 Aug 05]
Managed M15 at last, wasn't the best of conditions mind. Seeing about 5/10.
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [12 Aug 05]
Here my final pictures (really the last ones) from Portugal. This is my little messier astro marathon. I did all these pictures in 1 night! Hell of a job but nice for my Messier List.
Job Geheniau
Messier Objects
Click image for full size version
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [8 Aug 05]
I just have my new computer: An Apple Dual 2.7 Ghz G5 (YES!) So also new email program, so I don't have to stuffit anymore I think.
Here 2 new deep sky still from Portugal for the deepsky pics.


Submitted by: [4 Aug 05]
I did it. A new supernova with the ETX in this beautiful galaxy Messier 51.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2005 for photos posted April-July 2005.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2005 for photos posted January-March 2005.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted October-December 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted July-September 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted April-June 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted January-March 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2003 for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 1999 for photos taken 1999 and earlier.

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