Last updated: 15 December 2006

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: Craig J. Kopra ( [15 Dec 06]
Please find attached an image I took of the Sun with my Coronado PST. It is a nifty little solar telescope for observing, but found using my digital camera (even with the dead pixel) was the best way to acquire images over my SAC IV-b CCD camera. Used with the camera is a 20mm eyepiece and Scopetronix Digi-T System.
Submitted by: Paul Campbell ( [12 Dec 06]
Here is a Sunspot photo taken from my home in Washington Pa. today at 3:30 pm my time. It was taken using a sony cybershot and a 9.7mm lens mounted to my etx 125 with a Sun filter, captured in auto night mode, and cleaned up using photoshop 9.0.
Submitted by: [23 Nov 06]
thanks for your Mercury transit report and nice pictures; we Europeans got our last one in 2003 - I think.
I got my first - reasonable - picture of sun's surface with MEADE/CORONADO P.S.T. and webcam on 2006-11-12 14:30 CET. Sunspot 10 923 with flare activity and even some granularity. It's only 40mm aperture - a moderate binocular's size. ToUCam pro at prime focus with 2x barlow and 100 frames used. It's terribly hard to find focus and proper exposure settings.
Submitted by: [28 Oct 06]
great OO report - I love the skies you have over there (NGC7000!)
As you had the P.S.T. with you: did you ever try afocal photography with the D70? I always find that what I SEE is much more detailed and structured compared to what I SHOOT. Nevertheless this is a try as of 2006-10-15. P.S.T. with 26mm EP and a single shot PANASONIC Lumix DMC FZ-30, ISO200, 170mm, 1/160s.

Mike here: Haven't tried afocal yet. The camera is too heavy (I suspect) for my clamp on holder and I don't have a 1.25" eyepiece project adapter (just the 2").

Submitted by: jbfe ( [2 Apr 06]
April 1, the Sun with ETX-70AT and a 4mp digital camera.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2005 for photos posted Septemer-December 2005.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2005 for photos posted May 2005.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2005 for photos posted January - March 2005.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2004 for photos posted in 2004.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2003 for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Sun Archive 1997-99 for photos taken in 1997, 1998, and 1999.

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