Last updated: 26 December 2002

Many ETX users have sent examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. (jim abbey) [26 Dec 02]
Happy Holidays to you and yours! I think I am getting better at my photos. Ill let you be the judge! I took this one of the moon with my etx90ec using an aiptec DV2 digital vidio still camera! [11 Dec 02]
Earths moon  - December 11, 2002, 8:40 p.m.  Meade ETX 90EC telescope using ScopeTronix,Inc. 18mm wide angle lens and Nikon CoolPix 995 camera at wide angle.  Mirror image of moon was corrected using Adobe Photoshop software. Shot by Mark Mathosian, Naples, Florida. (Joe Rodricks) [04 Dec 02]
Here's a link to a site a threw up with some pictures I've taken. Mostly I used my SAC-II CCD (glorified webcam) on my ETX 90. I am just learning how to use my Cannon S200 for astrophotography. It shows some promise. Though the long exposures kill battery life, so the AC adapter is needed. Please find attached a moon shot I took with the SAC-II. It was done via eyepiece projection through my ETX90 and 9.7 mm EP. It is a single 8-bit black and white photograph using 1 15,000th of a second exposure time. Thanks Mike.
Joe Rodricks, 18 struggling to mange college time with astronomy time (Al Adrian) [24 Nov 02]
My first ever astro shot through my new ETX-105 EC I used a FujiFilm 4700z camera held up to the 26mm Plossle eyepiece by hand (it took a few tries =). This is a single frame, with a bit of contrast and gamma adjustment. I'm building a mount to hold the camera in front of the eyepiece now. (divenuts) [18 Nov 02]
I wanted to enter a couple of photos for your contest.......well, clouds gave me NO view of the moon during the contest period. So I'll send a couple anyway. I will include a second photo in a second e-mail, since I read somehere you requested one photo per e-mail. These where taken the night of 11/17/02 when the clouds cleared. I used my ETX-125 with a Tele-vue Zoom lens with the appropiate Scopetronix adapters. [18 Nov 02]
Well here you go!this was first light with my new etx90ec taken, November13,2002 48x power ,using the supplyed 26mm sp eye piece! I used an aptek mega cam with a 9.8 mm lense! held to the eye piece! [06 Nov 02]


La lune le 29 septembre 2002 ETX 125 Alain Bouchez France (Jason Gould) [29 Oct 02]
Had my ETX90 a day and thought I'd try a few photos. First one is using 26mm Plossl and X2 Barlow. Shot holding a Canon IXUS V to the eyepiece. Second shot using same method but with 10mm Plossl and X2 Barlow. Not the best, but I'm happy with my first try. Thanks,
Jason Gould, Bournemouth, UK.
PS: Nice informative website, Thank you. (Dave) [26 Oct 02]
The attached picture was taken with a Sony FD-73 digital camera through my Mighty ETX-60AT. Date was October 17, 2002. Thanks for a great site! (Jeff Olsen) [22 Oct 02]
Click for full size image
Cool site :) This is my first try at photographing the moon. I used a cannon digital camera held to the eyepiece of my ETX90 EC. Sharpened it a bit in Photoshop. (Wade) [15 Oct 02]
This picture was taken from my back yard in Provo, Utah on October 12th, 2002. I used the 25mm lens that came with my etx 90 and dropped it into my Barlow 2x and held my Olympus 510 digital camera up to the lens and pusehed the button. No photo editing in any way. Not very high-tech, I suppose, but at my beginning level I was very happy. Tomorrow night I am going to hook up my 2x barlow with my 9mm. We have good skies here in Utah and I get very clear shots with that set up, so I suspect those pictures will be even better. I only took 3 total. I think this one may be the best. This one I did sharpen a little in Macromedia Fireworks. I love youe site. My family and I (wife and threee little girls) spend hours looking through your astrophotos! Great tips too! (Olivier Cioni) [11 Oct 02]
I send you two shots : Platon [top]. And in this picture [bottom], we can see Ptoleme, Alphonse and Arzachel, and the "right wall" (I don't know to translate "Mur droit" in English !) [26 Sep 02]
Here is a shot I took last year with my ETX-90 using a Meade 18mm swa, attached to my Finepix Fuji compact digital camera with an Ultra Parfocal Adapter (Telescope House in London England). I duplicated the image in Photoshop onto a new layer, and used curves to get the detail out of the brighter section of the moon. I guess it helps to be using Photoshop everyday (I'm a Pro photographer). Traded in my 90 this week for the new 105 with UHTC. I love the better mechanics, and I sure the optics will prove better too!
Love your site....keep up the good work!
Howard Bartrop
London, England [15 Sep 02]


First I would like to complement you for your outstanding web site. Now, I have taken 3 pictures of the moon with my Fujifilm FinePix 4800Z attached to my ETX 90RA. I hope you like them.
Regards, Navid Voghoofi from Chicago
Mike here: I did a little sharpen edges on these. (divenuts) [11 Sep 02]
I took this picture of Mare Orientale on the morning of Sept. 3rd. A recent Sky and Telescope article explains our chance to see the dark side of the Moon on occasion. I used my ETX-125 with a Nikon 995 using Scopetronics Digi-T adapter. (Sriyantha Perera) [8 Sep 02]
Moon Moon
You have a great site!! Attached are some of my first astro photos. Please include them in your site. These photos of the moon were taken on July 2002, using my Meade ETX-90 RA telescope and a Cannon EOS Rebel 2000 35mm camera at prime focus. Shutter speed is 1/15 s. Fuji ISO 400 film. Photos could also be found at my website (Andrew Brown) [4 Sep 02]
Taken using a ETX 70 with 26mm eyepiece and Fujifilm Finpix F601 which was positioned over the lens with a tripod on my windowsill and shot using the timer. I think this was one shot of over 100. Lots of trial and error. Not the best shot on your site but a good example of a beginners first attempt. (Xander) [31 Aug 02]
Your site has been a wonderful guide as I have been trying to link my Intel Webcam up to my DS-114 Meade Telescope. I am still working on a sturdy way to attach everything, but this picture is a mosaic of about six or seven shots, all taken with the Intel webcam in prime focus on my telescope. These were taken from 4:30 - 5:15 a.m. on August 30, 2002. Photoshop was used to combine the photos, otherwise they are untouched. AstroVideo was used to capture the images, which are all single frames. Thanks for the wealth of interesting and very helpful information. Since I don't have a camera, this is the only way I can do astrophotography. (jim abbey) [31 Aug 02]
I love your info! I have noticed that many people have so many problems with there 70 I must have got a good one! I need to ask about night vision on my 70, I have a night owl night vision scope, I want to adapt it to view with my scope,any suggestions?

Mike here: Regarding attaching a night vision scope, it would attach like any video camera. See the Helpful Information --> Astrophotography page for more info. As to problems, remember, users write with questions when they are having problems. Few people write when everything is working well. So, the questions (ie, problem reports) will always exceed the praises. (Bockert, Dennis L.) [31 Aug 02]
Don't be too critical, first attempt using a Nikon Coolpix 995 w/adapter. (Chris Sorensen) [14 Aug 02]
Here is the FULL MOON taken on July 24th 2002 in Baulne (near Paris) where I live. (Chris Sorensen) [3 Aug 02]
Moon Moon Moon Moon
Here are some of my Moon photos taken with an ETX70-AT and a "handheld over the eyepiece" Canon A-30 dig. cam. I'm a beginner ... so they may not be very good ... but I like them because they're MINE !!! (ALLEN JONES) [31 Jul 02]
This image is taken with a Meade etx70, using a 25mm eyepiece and a home made mount for my Nikon CoolPix 880. This is my second attempt at astrophotography. Hopefully, there will be more, and better, yet to come. (Pablo Cereceda) [31 Jul 02]
Hello. Enclosed address of my place with pictures of the moon taken with my etx-125ec
Pablo Cereceda P.
Santiago - Chile (Hector Alanis) [30 Jun 02]
This is my first pictures with my ETX70 AT. The picture was taken with a Sony Mavica FD95 and 25mm eyepiece. Your website is great, I have learned a lot with your tips and articles. Thanks a lot. I am new in telescopes. Greetings from Monterrey Mexico. (Derek Dodds) [26 Jun 02]
May I say first of all I have found your site very enlightening and usefull. I have just recently purchased an ETX-70 and thought you may like to see my first attempt at astrophotography. I have not had a chance to take it outside yet and try out the autostar feature, but I achieved the attached picture with a Fuji finepix 6900 using the scopetronix attachment. Keep up the good work. (Carlos Family) [26 Jun 02]


Interesting Light Trick that I saw while observing on Jun 20 2002 around 9-10PM EST. Unfortunately I could net get a magnified shot. I had to use software to magnify the picture. I call this "Eyes on the Moon". The first one was afocal using a tripod and timer function of my Sony P3. The second one was without the tripod and that's why it's blurry (shaky hands). But as you can see it was an amazing view from the scope. After doing some research using a really good moon website, I think the two reflections are Mons Gruithuisen Gamma/Delta. (Rick Stankiewicz) [21 Jun 02]



I got these shots of the lunar surface this week on June 18, 2002 (one day past first 1/4). These are from my back yard in Peterborough, Ontario. Using my ETX 90 and Nikon Coolpix 995 (on a 26mm EP), the attached shots speak for themselves. I am really pleased.
[Top] Image #1 shows lots of nice overlapping craters on the left side and younger "white" Furnerius on the right side.
[Middle] Image #2 besides showing the Seas of Tranquility and Serenity, highlights the Caucasus and Apenninus Mountains too.
[Bottom] Image #3 captures Rupes Recta - the "Straight Wall"(fault line) nicely in the upper left edge. [21 Jun 02]



I just wanted to share a couple lunar shots that I took tonight (20 June). I just finished my sophomore year of high school in a Massachusetts public school and have been itching to do some observing and imaging. With summer here, I hope to do way more observing (since I can now observe into the late night on weekdays). It's been pretty cloudy in New England for the past couple weeks, but the clouds parted tonight for an extended period so I could finally test out my new webcam. Used a etx-90 ra with Philips Toucam webcam 740k. Took 50 pics and I selected the three that I liked the best. Hope to get better and sharper images next time. Your website has really launched me into astronomy and I don't think I could have taken these images without all the imaging info you put on your site. Keep up the good work. (Ron Hodgson) [21 Jun 02]
This is a shot I took after one hour of ownership of an ETX90RA. Thought you might like to see what a total newbee can do with this scope. (Stuart Walden) [11 Jun 02]
First of all, congratulations on an excellent and informative site! Presumably forwarding this email to Meade will provide sufficient proof for you to rightfully claim the sales commission for my purchasing decision. I have had the ETX90-EC for about two months now, although living in South Wales (UK) is arguably the worst place on the planet to observe celestial bodies - for when it's not raining - the light pollution sees to the rest. For other beginners, can I also recommend the Stellarium software linked to from your site - its free and it's useful to show what you 'should' be seeing outside(!). Please find enclosed, a YAMS (yet another moon shot), which is one of my first attempts at astrophotography, using the 'floating afocal method' with a Fuji 4700 digital camera + 26mm EP. I am inordinately pleased with this effort, and I'd hope it wouldn't look too out of place in your gallery. I have progressed to making a rather improbable afocal camera holder out of a plastic washing machine pipe and a draw runner. This attaches itself to the x2 Barlow, and when used in conjunction with the cameras' self timer - produces a reasonable result. I'm not sure its worthy of entry to your site though. The next project is to investigate filters for solar viewing, which I'm naturally very cautious about. Mike, all the best for your continued site and sightings. (will te winkel) [27 May 02]
Great website. I also have a Meade ETX125. I have read a lot of your stuff. I have learned a lot of this site. Thank you very much. The picture of the moon was my first one. (Tony Bulat) [23 May 02]
This is not going to rank among the best you've ever seen, but I thought I'd send it for a couple of reasons. This photo was taken around Mar 22nd with my old Cannon Pellix SLR using 200 ASA film at a shutter speed of 1/4th of a sec. The scope was my trusty ETX-125 with a # 64 T-Adapter with both sections that effectively gives this scope (prime focus) the equivalent of a lens equal to 2310mm. I kinda get a kick out of the fact that nobody uses a SLR for astrophotography anymore. My SLR has all the whistles and bells, plus a mirror that doesn't move, but I do want to upgrade, when the price comes down below $700.00. Mike, thanks to Clay and you, my scope is tuned to the hilt. The weather has been the pits lately, especially when all those ojects were lined up. I'm going to keep the beast ready and armed to go and visit the night skies. More photos will follow. (Saber Properties Limited) [23 May 02]
Moon Moon
Here are some images of the moon taken with my Nikon Coolpix 995 hooked up to my ETX 125 using a Digi-t adapter. Please feel free to add them to your website. (Joseph Powell) [23 May 02]
Here is a picture of the moon I took last Saturday (5/18/02) I used a Sony MVC-FD92 with a 40mm series 500 Plossl at about 5X zoom on the camera. (it's a 10X zoom camera) And a ScopeTronix Digi-t adapter to attach it to the eyepiece. [10 May 02]
image de la région de Clavius ETX 125 et Vesta Pro (Michael Willett) [30 Apr 02]
Excellent site - thanks for taking the time to create and maintain it. Attached is a picture I took with an ETX-60AT, 2x barlow, 25mm eyepiece and a Nikon Coolpix 880. I used ISO 400, medium zoom and 1/125 second exposure. The camera was held by hand next to the eyepiece. Took three pictures and combined them using Astrostack. Starting to understand this stuff a little more. Considering either a 90 or 125 next. Thanks again for the site. (Bryan McCauslin) [21 Apr 02]


I was able to get out tonight for some more practice. ETX 90, Nikon Coolpix 800, Focus set to infinity, ISO 400, 25mm Scoptronix plossl with Digi T. Both pics done with the timer function. One picture is zoomed, the other is not. Much better than the previous. (Bryan and Leslie) [17 Apr 02]
I would like to say "Thank you" for the really great wealth of information your website provides the beginning astronomer. Referencing the information available on your site is a daily activity for myself. I'm enclosing a Picture I did with my ETX. The camera used was a Nikon Coolpix 800, with the Digi T adapter. The exposure was 1/60 sec. This is the very first photo I've tried with this setup. With some practice, I think I can do better.
Mike here: I adjusted the Levels slightly to brighten the image. (Thor Fjell) [8 Apr 02]


[Top] Here is a pic I took of the moon using my ETX-90RA, 26mm eyepiece, 2x Celestron Barlow, Sony handheld digital camera.
[Bottom] Here is another close-up pic I took of the moon using my ETX-90RA, 26mm eyepiece, 2x Celestron Barlow, Sony handheld digital camera. Zoomed just a bit with Adobe Photoshop.
Great site, I check it out all the time! (Dirk Bauwens) [29 Mar 02]
Click for full size image
Nice moonshots on your site ! I am just a low-end amateur living in Belgium in the centre of a light-polluted town. I want to share this picture because I enjoyed the fact that I was able to capture the entire moon in one picture. I made it with a new-bought 40mm eyepiece on my ETX-90. The camera is digital: a Nikon 990 and is manually held behind the eyepiece. The settings of the camera were: medium zoom and speed 1/125 s. I reduced the size of the picture, did some sharpening and adjusted the levels in Photoshop on a Mac computer. Thank you again for your very good and so well-maintained site ! (roy bailey) [29 Mar 02]
I bought your book - Some good tips, Thanks ! Here's a photo I took of the moon with my Fuji finepix 4800 zoom digital camera just by holding it up to the eyepiece (25mm and 2x barlow) of my little ol ETX70 - shows just what you can do with these little scopes. Photo was taken on the island of Velavaru, Maldives (Indian ocean) - Yes ! I took my scope on holiday (much to my wife's disgust !) (Alain Bouchez) [25 Mar 02]
telescope ETX 125 EC et caméra Vesta pro (Denis JOYE) [25 Mar 02]
here is a picture I took yesterday (03-23-2002) with my ETX90-EC in afocal mode with an EPSON 3000Z digital camera, in following configuration:
EPSON 3000Z at zoom 3X
+ SP40mm eyepiece
+ 3X Televue Barlow
+ ETX90-EC
Though I have been using my ETX for three years at this time, I am still impressed by the capabilities of this little scope.
This picture was processed with Iris software. (White, Faye) [6 Mar 02]
I enjoy your site immensely and have learned a lot from your tips and articles. I'm new to telescopes and astrophotography, but I'm very excited about improving. I have a couple of photos in my web gallery and hope to add more soon! [28 Feb 02]
[Top]: here is an image I took with a 24mm eye piece and barlow lense - method lense projection. The image was cleaned up using photo express.
[Bottom]: here is another moon shot taken on the same night, again using lense projection method through a 26mm eye piece with a Pentax MZ-50 SLR camera.
Ps Nice site, it has been very helpful (Jose Luis Rey) [22 Feb 02]



Thank you very much for you great web site, My first Photos of the moon taken with ETX90EC, Orion 16mm, Ocular projection, Kodak DC-3400 [4 Feb 02]
la Lune Alain Bouchez France avec un ETX 125 ec (Mr.Ido Bareket) [22 Jan 02]



I took these images with my ETX90-RA and with Sbig ST-237A CCD camera. The exposures time was 0.1sec. and I used a low pass IR filter. The following pics has been taken through haze and between the clouds so the quelity could be much more better, I was just interested how the moon will look like with the ETX-ra and the CCD.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 1998-99 for photos taken 1998 and 1999.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 1996-97 for photos taken 1996 and 1997.

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