
Last updated: 30 December 2000

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to etx@me.com. Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

hzels@netscape.net (Henryk Zels) [30 Dec 00]
please find attached a photo of my etx90ec (with dewcap and telrad) mounted on a meade lx10 - wedge (the red dots on the wedge are reflections of the autostar - display). in the background you can see the set of venus (the bright spot left from the tripod - leg at horizontal - level). this picture was taken with an olympus is-200, exposure 60 seconds, about 40mm zoom (wild guess),800 asa. thanks a lot for your website (i really like the frequent updates)!
p.s: please let me know what resolution you prefer for pictures you put in your gallery, so you can get rid of resizing pictures all the time :)

Mike here: I prefer widths <500 or so but I don't mind doing the resizing since I also check the width/height and save with more compression in my graphics software.

hzels@netscape.net (Henryk Zels) [20 Dec 00]


[Top] lately i tested an Kodak "Farbwelt" (their cheapest) 800 ASA - Film and was lucky enough to get some (IMHO) nice pics. This picture was taken with an Olympus IS-200, set to 30 seconds exposure at f/8 at about 60mm zoom. The location is my usual observing location at 49,767 N / 8,733 E. It was a night with a very bright and full moon, fast moving clouds and strong wind. The camera was mounted on a table - tripod, standing on a driveway. (The Etx90ec was standing nearby with a cheap russian camera mounted at primefocus, trying to take pictures from the moon.)

[Bottom] this is the second picture from the same evening/location/camera as the one i've sent before, showing moon, jupiter and saturn (plus lots of clouds). The camera was set to 28mm, f/8, 15 seconds, 800 ASA. Btw., the pictures are digitized with a HP Photosmart S20 Filmscanner at 2400 dpi, then resized from about 3400x2300 to 800x600 (this took the granularity from the fast film out a little).

bareketj@internet-zahav.net (m&j bareket) [3 Dec 00]
Moon Moon and Venus
Well, because the site is so dry lately:
[left] moon+venus (lower right)
[right] moon rays(50mm lens)
bareketj@internet-zahav.net (m&j bareket) [5 Nov 00]
I took this pics (VENUS) with 50mm lens and 800asa film. The negative & film developed by me. The exposures were 15-20 seconds and taken from a small valley near my house.
Phillip B. Espinasse (pespinasse@uswest.net) [20 Sep 00]
Star trails
I have owned an ETX for a little while now and have learned a great deal from your web site. Despite all the heavy light pollution in the Minneapolis area, I am still able to enjoy simple astrophotography. Thank you for all your time and effort!
(Nov-99) this picture was taken with a Nikon N70 body with a 150 mm f/2.5 lens on a fixed tripod, with an exposure time of 5-10 min. You can see Orion in the top right hand corner.
John A.Horsley (jahorsley@hotmail.com) [6 Sep 00]
North American Nebula
Here is my latest shot.
Ido Bareket (bareketj@internet-zahav.net)
Hi, my name is IDO, I'm 16 years old . this is my new photo I took from my back yard (equipment detail above pic). hope you enjoy-them-IDO at least as mutch as I do.
thousand thanks-IDO
the reatorn of the big giants and the pliaeds!!! awsome!
description: the most lower and brighter planet is jupiter
the star above him to the right is saturn
and the pliaeds, well.. I gues it is just unnecessarly to say.
description- pentax k-1000 camera and a 50mm lens, for about 15 seconds. 800asa film.
Daniel Isaza (drisaza@epm.net.co)
I'd like to send you this picture I took a long time ago, I was viewing you Guest Gallery and I decided to send you this one.
Daniel Isaza
Tom Surgalski (tompilot@zbzoom.net)
Thought you might enjoy this picture. While not technically an ETX photo, this is a TEN second exposure from an Olympus 2020Z. The camera was left outside to cool to about 55 deg ambient. I punched up the brightness a little with PhotoShop. I find it amazing how many stars it picked up, with little or no noise. I set the camera against the ETX leg and used the remote to take the photo.
John Short (JOHNSHORT@compuserve.com)
Taken with my Coolpix 950 with an exposure of 12 sec I'm amazed at the colouring of the stars. Is this a true colouring or is my Coolpix not accurate when using long exposures? I'm very new to Astronomy and I have read that the stars colouring reveals there temperature. Do you think this is what I have captured? The view is towards Vega.

Mike here: Some colors may be "real", at least as real as the sensitivity of the camera.

m&j bareket (bareketj@internet-zahav.net)
In the 23/4/ I went to a journey that located in a dark sky area (not dark enouth). we walked all day long for 5 days. at night, when we arrived I snaped my camera and with my last strenths and with a little tripod I took with me i... started to photograph the sky! it was very very interesting becuse everyone looked at me like i'm crazy, but they started to interesting in what I doing to. well, I used a 50mm lens and a 1600asa filme, the time I used for each photo is right near to her. (top to bottom)
canis major-180sec * you can see M41!!!
canis major above the camp- 60sec
libra- 60sec
the scorpius- 75sec the camp at day- butifall!!
Mark Crossley (mark@carmine.demon.co.uk)
Planetary Conjunction
Great site, very useful, don't know how you find the time! Not an ETX photo (I have an EC90) but another sky photo' of the conjunction on the 6th of April. It shows the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, it was taken in Wilmslow, south of Manchester in the UK. It was taken with a 35mm camera, ISO200 negative film, 4 seconds, 70mm, tripod mounted, viewed through a bedroom window (which was causing quite a bit of turbulance!), at around 20:00 GMT. I've cropped the picture to about 60-70% of the original frame, but otherwise it's unprocessed straight from the Kodak Picture CD. These CDs scan the negs at 1000dpi. I have other wider field images taken at around the same time that also show the Pleiades, not bad for a suburban environment.
Peter Vasey (petevas@breathemail.net)
Planetary Conjunction
I notice there have been a number of references to the planetary + lunar alignment on April 6th. As you stated in one of your replies, the field of view (approximately 9 degrees) ruled out direct telescope observation (unless through a short tube wide field 'scope), and binoculars were the best option. But I was able to photograph the sight using a piggybacked 35 mm reflex camera with 150 mm telephoto lens, so here is my best pic (substantially comressed) for anyone who missed it. Taken at 2000 UST, Boldon,Tyne & Wear, England, approx 4 sec. exposure, f5 200 ISO film.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography for currently posted photos.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for earlier photos.

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