Last updated: 19 December 2001
Piggy-back Camera Photographs (12/19/01)


Piggy-back Camera Photographs
Milky Way
14 Sep 01
Heart of the Milky Way
Pentax Spotmatic, 55mm lens, Kodak Gold Max ISO 800, 10 minute, JMI Piggy-back Camera Mount, ETX-90RA guided using the Blessing Microstar Dual Axis Drive Corrector and monitored with the Celestron Guide Eyepiece with a Rigel Systems PulsGuide, PhotoCD processed. Some Photoshop editing to darken the sky. Taken during the First Annual Mighty ETX Star Party, Borrego Springs, CA.

Milky Way
14 Sep 01
Aquila area of the Milky Way
Pentax Spotmatic, 55mm lens, Kodak Gold Max ISO 800, 3 minute, JMI Piggy-back Camera Mount, ETX-90RA guided using the Blessing Microstar Dual Axis Drive Corrector and monitored with the Celestron Guide Eyepiece with a Rigel Systems PulsGuide, PhotoCD processed. Some Photoshop editing to darken the sky. Taken during the First Annual Mighty ETX Star Party, Borrego Springs, CA. (red bands due to a passing vehicle)

Milky Way
14 Sep 01
Cygnus area of the Milky Way
Pentax Spotmatic, 55mm lens, Kodak Gold Max ISO 800, 10 minute, JMI Piggy-back Camera Mount, ETX-90RA guided using the Blessing Microstar Dual Axis Drive Corrector and monitored with the Celestron Guide Eyepiece with a Rigel Systems PulsGuide, PhotoCD processed. Some Photoshop editing to darken the sky. Taken during the First Annual Mighty ETX Star Party, Borrego Springs, CA.

Pleiades, Jupiter, Saturn, Taurus
18 Nov 01
Attempt at Leonids
Pentax Spotmatic, 28mm lens, Kodak Gold Max ISO 800, 15 minute, JMI Piggy-back Camera Mount, ETX-90RA unguided but tracked using RA drive, PhotoCD processed. Some Photoshop editing to darken the sky. Taken while observing the 2001 Leonids but as you can see (or rather not see) there are no meteors! None of the photos I took captured any Leonids. Rats. But this is a nice view of (left to right) Jupiter, Saturn, Taurus, and the Pleiades.

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