Last updated: 26 August 2003

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Here are some planetary astrophotographs taken with my LXD55 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. All of these were taken with a Scopetronix 25mm (80X) eyepiece using the Scopetronix Digi-T System using a Nikon Coolpix 995 with Remote Release Cable.

Mars [26 Aug 03]
25mm eyepiece, full optical zoom, exposures varied from 1/125sec, 1/250sec, and 1/500sec. I used my homemade Hartmann Mask for focusing but removed it for the actual photos. 19 images stacked in Keith's Imager Stacker.
25mm eyepiece + 2X Barlow Lens, full optical zoom, exposures varied from 1/125sec, 1/250sec, and 1/500sec. 21 images stacked in Keith's Imager Stacker. It was edited to show "natural color" and is very close to a natural view through the eyepiece.
Mars [26 Aug 03]
I went out about midnight on 23 August but within 30 minutes the dew-ing was so bad that I knew that I couldn't wait for a longer "cool-down" for the 8". So I decided to grab a bunch of Mars shots. Out of the 25 that I took, only one was worthwhile; the rest were so bad (turbulence) that even stacking couldn't help. So, here is the single frame shot, 1/60sec, full optical zoom, 25mm eyepiece plus 2X Barlow Lens. Some "levels" adjustment was made to increase the contrast.
Mars [22 Aug 03]
During the Mars session on 18 August I managed to take three photos of Mars very quickly before the fog moved in. You can see one of those (unprocessed) images below (19 Aug 03). I finally stacked the three images using Keith's Image Stacker v3.3 (for Mac OS X) and this was the result. I hope to get more frames this weekend (if the fog doesn't get me!).
Mars [19 Aug 03]
Mars with Hartmann Mask
This photo was taken using a Nikon Coolpix 995 with a Remote Release Cable. It was attached to a Scopetronix 25mm eyepiece using the Scopetronix Digi-T System. I used a homemade "Hartmann Mask" to aid in focusing. You can read more about that in the article "Making and Using a "Hartmann Mask" for Focusing". The image was done at ISO 800, 1/30sec, with full optical zoom.
Saturn [3 February 03]
Saturn on 2 February 2003 at 1/15sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece plus 2X Barlow Lens. Full camera lens zoom. No editing.
Saturn on 2 February 2003 at 1/15sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece plus 2X Barlow Lens. Some camera digital zoom. No editing.
Saturn on 2 February 2003 at 1/30sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece. Nearly full camera digital zoom. No editing.
Saturn [3 Jan 03]
Saturn on 1 January 2003 at 1/30sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece. Full camera lens zoom. No editing.
Saturn on 1 January 2003 at 1/15sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece. Full camera lens zoom plus some digital zoom. No editing.
Saturn on 1 January 2003 at 1/30sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece. Full camera lens zoom plus full digital zoom. Two images stacked in Photoshop 7.0.
Venus [3 Jan 03]
Venus on 1 January 2003 at 1/30sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece + 2X Barlow Lens + Polarizing Filter (to darken the sky background). Full frame with full camera lens zoom with no image adjustments.
Venus on 1 January 2003 at 1/9sec at ISO 800. 25mm eyepiece + 2X Barlow Lens + Polarizing Filter (to darken the sky background). Full frame with full camera lens zoom plus full digital zoom with no image adjustments.
Saturn [27 Dec 02]
Saturn at 1/30sec at ISO 800. Full frame with full camera lens zoom with no image adjustments.
Saturn at 1/15sec at ISO 800 with a 2X Barlow Lens added. Full frame with full camera lens zoom with no image adjustments.
Saturn at 1/15sec at ISO 800 with a 2X Barlow Lens added. Full frame with full camera lens zoom plus full digital zoom. Image size reduced in software and some "levels" adjustment made. (I was surprised at how well this turned out. I had used the digital zoom to assist in focusing the image and decided to take a shot. Reducing the image size in software offsets the effects of the digital zoom.)
Jupiter [27 Dec 02]
Jupiter at 1/30sec at ISO 800. Full frame with full camera lens zoom with no image adjustments.
Jupiter at 1/30sec at ISO 800 with a 2X Barlow Lens added. Full frame with full camera lens zoom with no image adjustments. The Great Red Spot is visible in the middle of the lower cloud band.
Jupiter at 1/30sec at ISO 800 with a 2X Barlow Lens added. Full frame with full camera lens zoom plus full digital zoom. Image size reduced in software and some "levels" adjustment made. The Great Red Spot is visible in the middle of the lower cloud band.

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Copyright ©2002-3 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@optcorp.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/lxd/8sc/astrophotography/planets2003.html