Last updated: 8 March 2004

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This page is for user comments and information of a general nature or items applicable to the LXD55 Achromatic Refractor models. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or answers to questions posed here, e-mail them to me and I'll post them. Please use an appropriate Subject Line on your message. Thanks.

Subject:	Same, same, LXD 55 with 5 inch refractoid from Meade.
Sent:	Sunday, March 7, 2004 15:18:58
From:	"mike Arsenault" (mitch@cablevision.qc.ca)
This Mike Arsenault form north eastern Quebec.

Before i proceed to chuck this scope over the balcony, i m willing to go
the lenght and try some of the tips you have on your site...You see...

I have been observing for about 30 years ( started in 1969) and i have
never seen such irresponsible manufacturing and engineering in my life. 

The first time  i took the LXD scope out ( and ive owned about 20, from
60 mm to 16, F4.5)

the manual said something about training the drives on the scope like it
was some kind of dog or something.

then it wanted me to find a terrestial object and play ping pong with it
by going back and forth pushing some computer pad buttons.....what the
hell is this ..What happen to spending the night observing the Stars.

Then if that wasnt enough, the darn thing wouldnt follow the stars for
two minutes,when i would try to slew up to it , it would lag about a
degree or so. (lots of backlash).

I wont even talk about the color aberations, its awfull...

saturn at 180X is blurry, and jupiter is murky...

Moon is nice if you like yellow and blue fringes...

Enough said, im sure hundreds of people love their LXD........... me and
my wife were dissapointed...

P.S :  dont try astrophotography with this setup unless  you enjoy star
trails := [

Your backyard neihbours Mike & Barb Arsemault.
Keep looking UP!
Mike here: Sorry to hear you have been disappointed. The Autostar is like your computer OS; some configuration to match your system is needed. But you don't need to TRAIN DRIVES every observing session. But you do need to CALIBRATE and TRAIN DRIVES the first time out through. And like your computer, people don't usually get full satisfaction until they have learned how to effectively use it. If you want true "plug and play" you get a Macintosh (which still requires some configuring). If you want true ease of use you get a traditional, non-GOTO telescope. And since you obviously have years of experience navigating the night sky, the GOTO system probably doesn't provide anything to you. As to the optical quality, certainly the refractor LXD55 models don't live up to the quality of higher end (more expensive) refractors. I don't have the refractor model myself so can't comment directly on it. As to astrophotography, a lot of people are successful at this with the LXD55 models.

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