Home Page





Last modified: 10 September 2000

This is the Year 2000 Home Page for Fluffy and Mercury. Fluffy joined Laurraine and Mike on 13 December 1998. You can see his first pictures at Christopher Robin and Fluffy's Home Page.

[06/11/00] Mercury arrived on 10 June 2000, thanks to Kathy and Annette (co-workers of Mike). Mercury was born on 26 April 2000. Laurraine and Mike picked the name of Mercury since the planet Mercury was making a good appearance in the Western Sky in June 2000.

Fluffy: Fluffy recently acquired a new Cat Condo. He enjoys sleeping in it

or just perching high on its door step.

Mercury: Arrival at his new home was initially a little upsetting. There was this BIG cat waiting for him.

But as time went along Mercury and Fluffy got better acquainted.

Mercury then started exploring his new home.

"My best side?"

[06/25/00] On 24 June, Mercury discovered how to get to Fluffy's secret hiding place (his condo). Fortunately, they have become friends so the condo visitor was welcome.

[09/10/00] Mercury continues to look for comfortable sleeping places. This chair has become one of his favorites:

But at times he prefers Fluffy's cat cando:

He also continues to explore, especially under the bed:

"Hum, wonder what this is? Something good to eat?"

"Oh yes!"

Mercury loves cherry tomatoes! That is the small red thing in Laurraine's hand.

Keep watching this web page for more on Fluffy and watch Mercury grow.

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Thanks for visiting us.

Fluffy and Mercury

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LogoCopyright © 2000 R-Laurraine Tutihasi / laurraine@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/mike/cats00.html