Last updated: 6 October 2000

I recently had the opportunity to return to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. IU is where I did my undergraduate work in Astrophysics. While there I strolled through the campus and visited the Astronomy Department and Kirkwood Observatory. I spent a lot of time at the 12" refractor as an undergrad. This observatory and telescope are approaching 100 years old but they are still functional. Some restoration of the facility is needed but things are basically the same as they were when I graduated in 1970.

Here are some photos. Many thanks to Dr. Kent Honeycutt of the Astronomy Department for taking me inside of Kirkwood Observatory. Dr. Honeycutt was a Professor in the Astronomy Department when I was an undergrad and it was nice to see him again.

Swain Hall West
Swain Hall West
Astronomy Department is on the 3rd Floor

Kirkwood Observatory
Kirkwood Observatory

Kirkwood Observatory
12" refractor

Kirkwood Observatory
12" refractor

Swain Hall WestOnce again I returned to Indiana University for a few days. This time I ran into Dr. Hollis Johnson, another one of my astronomy professors. We chatted for about an hour; he mentioned that he was teaching a class on the night sky the next evening. I arranged to attend his class, where I was privileged to be his "assistant". The 24 students were eager to learn and were excited by Dr. Johnson's enthusiasm. I also had a great time.

And yes, that is my URL on the board. Dr. Johnson introduced me to his class and asked me to say a few words. So I gave a plug for "Weasner's Mighty ETX Site"!

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Copyright ©2000 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/observatories/iu2000/iu.html