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Visits to Other Observatories

Last updated: 18 August 2023


Kitt Peak National Observatory

Special VIP Tour - 2019

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #10 - 2017

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #9 - 2016

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #8 - 2014

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #7 - 2012

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #6 - 2010

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #5 - 2009

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #4 - 2008

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #3 - 2006

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit #2 - 2005

Indiana University WIYN Special Visit - 2002

Kitt Peak National Observatory - 1974


Siding Springs Observatory, Parkes Observatory - 2023 [NEW!]

Mt Wilson Observatory - 2022

Griffith Observatory - 2022

UofA Steward Observatory Mirror Lab - 2019

Lick Observatory - 2018

University of Tennessee Science Institute - 2017

Arthur J. Dyer Observatory - 2017

Von Braun Astronomical Society Swanson Observatory - 2017

IU Kirkwood Observatory, IU Astronomy Dept - 2016

Very Large Array (VLA) - 2016

Mt Lemmon Observatory - 2015

Lowell Observatory - 2014

IU Kirkwood Observatory - 1966-1970, 2000, 2007

Meteor Crater - 2007

Griffith Observatory - 2006

JPL Visit - 2004

Palomar Observatory - 2004

Carnegie Observatories - 2004

Goldstone Tracking Station - 2003

Owens Valley Radio Observatory - 2002

AAI Sperry Observatory - 2001

Indiana University Kirkwood Observatory - 2000

Mt Wilson Observatories Tour - 2000

Hawaii Observatories - 2000

Mighty ETX Visits Australia - 1999

Palomar Observatory Tour - 1998

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Copyright © 2011-12, 2014-20, 2022-23 Michael L. Weasner /