Washington State Trip
July 2012

Mt Rainier

Posted: 19 July 2012

We drove from Arizona to Washington state, visiting friends and relatives, and seeing some sights. We saw a Fourth of July Air Show, attended Westercon 65 (a science fiction convention, held near SeaTac airport), and visited the Tacoma Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. On the way home, we stopped in Oceanside, California, for the OPT "Southern California Astronomy Expo" (SCAE). The links below show some photographs from our trip. Hope you enjoy them!

Date Places Visited (# of Photos)
4 July Air Show over Bay (50)
4 July Bonus - Short video of P-51 and F-22 in formation
5-8 July Westercon 65 Science Fiction Convention (49)
11 July Tacoma Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium (51)
2-11 July Some of the relatives and friends we visited (9)
14 July OPT "Southern California Astronomy Expo" (SCAE) (8)

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Copyright © 2012 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/vacations/washington_2012/index.html