View from Oracle

Time-Lapse Video from 19 March 2012. View is towards the west.

Yesterday's winter storm continued on Monday, 19 March. The temperature went up and down between 33°F and 40°F during the day, with periods of heavy graupel falls and snow showers. Just before noon, a long period of graupel fell, covering the road to the Post Office (to which Mike had to go) in a layer of white ice. It made for slick driving. On the way back home from the PO, there was a snowplow behind him as he drove, clearing the road of the ice. In the time-lapse video, watch as three snow showers approach from the west (at 8 AM, 11 AM, and 1 PM). Wild weather day.

Click to Play

(If you are using Firefox and can not view the video, click here to see the full video.)

Bonus Photo

If you don't know what graupel looks like, here is a photo, showing some graupel, sized 2mm to 5mm, on the back patio.


Graupel is a snowflake that has been coated by supercooled water that froze as the snowflake fell.

Go to the Oracle Webcam Time-Lapse Movies page.

Go to the Live Oracle Webcam page.

Webcam is an Apple external iSight.
Webcam software is ImageCaster from Econ Technologies, Inc.
Movie captured and created with Daydreamer from Quandir Solutions. Now available on the App Store.

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