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Crescent Moon

Posted: 20 September 2012

The observatory was opened Wednesday, 19 September 2012, at 1819 MST, 94°F. The sky was clear. I had to make this a short session. At 1827 MST, viewed the moon in the 8" LX200-ACF at 77X. I had thought about doing some high magnification lunar imaging this night but seeing was not good enough. I did mount the D7000 DSLR at prime focus + visual back. This iPhone 4 photo taken at 1845 MST shows the moon in the sky as well as on the D7000 "Live View" screen:


At 1854 MST, I captured this photograph of the crescent moon with the D7000 DSLR, 1/250sec, ISO 500:


I unmounted the camera from the telescope and at 1906 MST took this handheld photograph of the moon (with some Earthshine), Mars (just to the right of the moon), and part of the constellation of Scorpius to the left of the moon, f/4.5, 1 second, 40mm, ISO 1600:


The observatory was closed at 1920 MST, 81°F.

There will be no updates for awhile as I will be attending an Air Force A-7D jet fighter squadron reunion.

Comments are welcome; use the Comments section below, or you can Email Me. Thanks.

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