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D7000 DSLR: Jupiter-Venus-Mercury, Full Moon

Posted: 25 May 2013

The observatory was opened Friday, 24 May 2013, at 1844 MST, 93°F. The sky was clear and there was no breeze for a change. At 1908 MST, viewed Saturn, 83X, 16 minutes before local sunset. Sunset occurred at 1924 MST. I then left the observatory to do some Jupiter-Venus-Mercury photography from a location with a clear view of the western sky.

Venus was visible to the naked eye at 1926 MST. Jupiter appeared at 1931 MST and Mercury at 1936 MST. At 1955 MST, took this (cropped) photo of Jupiter-Venus-Mercury, D7000 DSLR, f/5, 1/10sec, ISO 400, 70mm. Mouseover the image to show the labels.


Compare the positions of the planets in the above image to their positions on 23 May, 20 May, and 19 May.

Using the iPhone 4, I took this photo at 2001 MST of the D7000 DSLR aimed at the planets. In the original, all three planets are visible in the photo. Jupiter and Venus are visible in this version.


I repositioned the camera for a more interesting foreground and at 2015 MST took this D7000 DSLR photo, f/32, 3 seconds, ISO 800, 102mm:


I returned to the observatory at 2020 MST. Viewed Saturn, 83X. At 2027 MST, slewed to the moon, still in a tree. It was about one hour prior to being precisely full. No shadows were visible. At 2041 MST, I began preparing for 8" LX200-ACF prime focus imaging with the D7000 DSLR. I needed to add the focal reducer to capture the entire lunar disk. At 2048 MST, I was ready for imaging; just needed to let the moon rise above the tree.

Once the moon was clear of the tree, I did a series of images at various exposures. This image (full-frame) was taken at 2113 MST, 1/400sec, ISO 100:


Took a final look at the Full Moon, 83X, at 2119 MST, and then began closing up.

The observatory was closed at 2128 MST, 72°F.

Comments are welcome; use the Comments section below, or you can Email Me. Thanks.

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