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iPhone 5s: Jupiter and Io Shadow

Posted: 16 April 2014

Opened: Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 1827 MST
Temperature: 89°F
Session: 675
Conditions: Mostly clear; slight breeze

After the previous night's 8 hour 27 minute session in the observatory for the Total Lunar Eclipse, this night's session was planned to be a short one. I was still running on about 3 hours of sleep.

1836 MST: viewed Jupiter, 83X. One moon was visible close to the planet. Using 222X, four moons were visible and the shadow of the closest moon (Io) was visible in transit. Switched to 666X and mounted the iPhone 5s on the 8" LX200-ACF for afocal imaging of Jupiter. Over the next 21 minutes I did several afocal slo-mo video recordings (120 fps) of Jupiter. Sunset occurred at 1854 MST. Seeing began worsening after the sun set. This D7000 DSLR photograph shows the iPhone mounted on the telescope using my homemade adapter. The earbuds are attached for use as a remote shutter release. Jupiter is visible on the iPhone screen in a live view.


This is a stack of 2306 frames from a video taken at 1849 MST using Lynkeos:


This is a stack of 2332 frames from a video taken at 1910 MST using Keith's Image Stacker:


Io's shadow moved leftward just above the South Equatorial Belt, as seen in the two mirror-reversed images.

Unmounted the afocal adapter and switched to 222X. This is a handheld iPhone photo showing the four Galilean Moons and the planet (overexposed) taken at 1915 MST:


Took a last look at Jupiter, 222X. Io's shadow was still in transit. The shadow was also visible using 83X.

1921 MST: slewed the telescope to Mars, low in the southeast and visible through a tree. However, as expected, the view was not good. Began closing.

Closed: Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 1931 MST
Temperature: 71°F

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