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iPhone Lunar Imaging

Posted: 6 October 2014

I was at the GLOW event Saturday night, 4 October 2014, representing the Oracle Dark Skies Committee. I had my ETX-105PE set up to provide visitors views of the moon. The observatory was not opened that night.

Opened: Sunday, 5 October 2014, 2013 MST
Temperature: 74°F
Session: 726
Conditions: Mostly clear with some clouds in south

2021 MST: Slewed to M7, which was near Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring. Unfortunately, it was too low for good viewing so did not try for the comet this night.

Then slewed to the waxing gibbous moon and took a quick look using 83X. Very bright. Mounted the iPhone 5s on the 8" LX200-ACF using the modified MX-1 Afocal Adapter. Used the Camera app and the Earbuds/Mic volume control as a remote. Used the new exposure adjustment capabilty in iOS 8 to refine the exposure to avoid overexposing parts of the bright moon. This is afocal 77X:


This northern portion of the terminator is afocal 154X:


This is an afocal 154X photo showing the craters Schickard and Phocylides:


2036 MST: began lunar observing, 166X. Good views at times. Clouds were getting higher in the southern sky.

2045 MST: began some software beta testing. 2059 MST: ended testing. Began closing up as the clouds were becoming more prevalent.

Closed: Sunday, 5 October 2014, 2108 MST
Temperature: 69°F

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