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Short Moon Session

Posted: 22 June 2015

Some wispy smoke from the Kearny wildfire 30 miles north of Cassiopeia Observatory remained visible in the sky on Sunday, 21 June 2015. The fire was still at 1428 acres but was 75% contained.

Open: Sunday, 21 June 2015, 1917 MST
Temperature: 95°F
Session: 841
Conditions: Clear but smokey sky

After the previous night's long session, this night's session was planned to be a short one with mostly lunar observing and some photography.

1929 MST: Viewed Venus, 83X. Then Jupiter, 83X. And then the Moon, 83X. 1935 MST: viewed Jupiter and Venus using the 12x70 binoculars. The planets were almost but not quite in the same 4.6° field-of-view (FOV). Should be in the same FOV on the next session.

1938 MST: sunset. The smoke from the Kearny wildfire to the north was most evident in the western sky at sunset, with a little visible in the northern sky, as seen in these photos:



I then began setting up for lunar photography. Mounted the D7200 DSLR at prime focus for this 1/250sec, ISO 1000, image:


Added the TeleVue 2X PowerMate for these photos along the lunar terminator, 1/250sec, ISO 5000:




1951 MST: completed imaging and took final look at the Moon, 83X.

Close: Sunday, 21 June 2015, 2008 MST
Temperature: 85°F

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