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PZT support brackets; iPhone Moon Imaging

Posted: 13 April 2016

As mentioned on the last report, I did some more PZT work at the observatory during the day on Tuesday, 12 April 2016. I was able to complete the last installations prior to the final installation of the table. Here are top and bottom support brackets at one of four locations on the POD:


I am still hoping to get the table installed later this week.

Open: Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 1816 MST
Temperature: 81°F
Session: 946
Conditions: Mostly clear

I used the Wireless AutoStar II handcontroller for this session. I wanted to test it following the simple repair I did the previous day. 1828 MST: StarLock OFF. Viewed the Moon, 102X. Tests of the AutoStar keys showed they were all functional and better than they were before the repair was done. They still were not as good as they were originally in 2010, but at least the wireless handcontroller was now usable. I will continue to use the Wireless AutoStar II handcontroller for a few sessions to see if it continues to perform acceptably.

1834 MST: viewed Mercury, 102X. A near half-phase was visible. Switched to the Baader 8-24mm Zoom Eyepiece. Seeing was not good enough for 8mm (305X), but the view was fair at 12mm (203X).

1853 MST: sunset. 1859 MST: viewed Jupiter, at 102X and 305X. The four Galilean Moons were visible as well as a star (HD 95848, Mag +7.21) mimicking as a Jovian Moon. Seeing was not good. The best view was at 203X, with occasional nice detailed views of Jupiter's clouds during brief moments of good seeing.

1913 MST: back to the Moon. Best view at 203X. The crater Posidonius looked good at times. This is a handheld iPhone 6s Plus photo (cropped), afocal 203X, of Posidonius:


And the entire lunar disk, handheld iPhone 6s Plus, afocal 102X:


1927 MST: last look at the Moon, 102X. Then began closing up. I had had a long day of PZT work and yard work, and was tired. But it was nice to be back in the observatory again.

Close: Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 1939 MST
Temperature: 65°F
Session Length: 1h 23m
Conditions: Clear

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