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POD & PZT Work

Posted: 17 February 2019

Clouds began appearing mid-morning on Tuesday, 12 February 2019. Rain arrived mid-day Thursday, 14 February, with 0.92" and continued on Friday, 15 February, with another 0.27". Cloudy nights are forecast to continue for awhile.

On a cloudy, cold, and windy Saturday, 16 February, I went to the observatory to repair a split rubber seal with a new seal:

photo photo

It was too cold to apply sealant so I have put that off until the temperature warms up.

The replacement POD Zenith Table was installed Sunday morning, 17 February:


The local contractor did a nice job on it. This one should last much longer.

I have posted my review of the Meade StarPro™ AZ 102mm Refractor.

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