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First Annual David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party

Posted: 28 October 2019

Saturday, 26 October

The day started with a tour of the cave at Kartchner Caverns (no photography allowed).

The afternoon sessions started off with Scott Roberts speaking. Here is Scott channelling Gary Lockwood as "Gary Mitchell" on the Star Trek Original Series episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Either this is the real Scott Roberts or I just got a lucky reflection on his eyes with my iPhone. But the expression and hand gestures are the real Scott!


Scott then introduced Robert Vice, who spoke on "A Collection of Astrophotographs with Interpretation of how they were made".


The next event was the awarding of Door Prizes. Laurraine (my wife) won an Optolong 2" filter set.


I went back to the Park to do some Milky Way astrophotography using a D850 DSLR with a 14mm lens on the sky tracker.

f/3.5, 1 minute, ISO 5000

Sunday, 27 October

This was the wrap-up day of the Star Party. Here is Scott Roberts with an Explore Scientific telescope.


Scott and David thanking everyone for participating.


The "First Annual David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party" was a success. The speakers were great, the special events were great, and the skies were great. Many thank to everyone, especially Scott Roberts, Kent Marts, Explore Scientific, Explore Alliance, and the staff of Kartchner Caverns State Park. Hope to see you 14-18 October 2020 at the "Second Annual David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party".

Go back to Wednesday, 23 October.

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