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Critters, Venus, Full Moon

Posted: 7 May 2020

On my way to the observatory I saw these two Antelope Squirrels.


Open: Wednesday, 6 May 2020, 1813 MST
Temperature: 99°F
Session: 1471
Conditions: Mostly clear

12" f/8 LX600 w/StarLock
2" 24mm UWA eyepiece
1.25" 5.5mm eyepiece
1.25" 40mm eyepiece
Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector

iPhone 11 Pro Max

1818 MST: LX600 ON, StarLock OFF, High Precision OFF.

Viewed the planet Venus, 102X and 443X. I had not used my Meade 5.5mm eyepiece in a long time. Venus looked very good at 443X.

Added the ZWO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC). The view at 443X was even better.

Venus, iPhone 11 Pro Max, NightCap Camera (ISO 32, 1/2500sec, 1X lens), handheld, afocal 443X + ADC.


1912 MST: sunset (approximate due to clouds).

I then relaxed on the observatory patio bench while waiting for the Full Moon to rise.

1929 MST: last look at Venus, 443X + ADC and 102X.

Slewed the 12" telescope to the Moon, which was still behind the hill to the southeast. Then I returned to the bench.

1947 MST: the Full Moon began rising over the hill.

1953 MST: viewed the Moon, 61X. The Moon was still behind a tree. A very slight terminator was visible.

2053 MST: the Moon was now clear of the tree.

Mounted the iPhone on the 40mm eyepiece using the Levenhuk adapter. Took this iPhone photo of the Full Moon, afocal 61X, NightCap Camera (ISO 21, 1/3400sec, 2X lens).


2100 MST: ended Moon imaging.

Took a last look at the Full Moon, 102X.

2105 MST: LX600 OFF.

Close: Wednesday, 6 May 2020, 2113 MST
Temperature: 76°F
Session Length: 3h 00m
Conditions: Mostly clear

My review of the ScopeStuff Meade Counterweight Rail Adapter has been posted.

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