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iPhone Venus, M13, M104, Omega Centauri;
New Accessories Tests

Posted: 21 May 2020

Tuesday, 19 May 2020, was clear but very windy (gusts > 35 MPH). I did not open the observatory.

Open: Wednesday, 20 May 2020, 1804 MST
Temperature: 85°F
Session: 1480
Conditions: Clear

12" f/8 LX600 w/StarLock
2" 24mm UWA eyepiece
2" 14mm 100° eyepiece
2" 5.5mm 100° eyepiece
1.25" 15mm eyepiece
1.25" 5.5mm eyepiece

iPhone 11 Pro Max

1809 MST: LX600 ON, StarLock OFF, High Precision OFF.

I then began my initial tests with the Explore Scientific 2" 14mm 100° and 2" 5.5mm 100° eyepieces. I also did some tests of the Bresser Smartphone Adapter. My reviews will be posted at a later date.

I viewed Venus, 102X, 174X, and 443X.

As a teaser for my reviews, here is an iPhone 11 Pro Max image of the planet Venus, afocal 443X, taken with the Camera app in slo-mo video mode (240fps, 1X lens), stack of 2491 video frames.


1922 MST: sunset.

Viewed Mercury, 174X and 443X. The near half-phase was visible.

1931 MST: viewed Venus and Mercury, 12x50 binoculars. Both planets were in the field-of-view. The planets will appear even closer together the next two nights.

I then relaxed on the observatory patio bench. 1951 MST: returned to the 12" telescope.

I measured the actual field-of-view of the two new eyepieces for my upcoming reviews.

2008-2030 MST: I relaxed on the observatory patio bench to watch the "stars come out".

Did some Deep Sky Object observing, 174X: M104 (Sombrero Galaxy), M61 (galaxy, SN2020jfo was visible), M13 (Great Globular Cluster in Hercules), M51 (Whirlpool Galaxy), and Omega Centauri (globular cluster).

2109 MST: StarLock ON.

Took these StarLock autoguided, afocal 174X images using NightCap Camera (Long Exposure, Light Boost, ISO 12500, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 15 seconds, respectively, 1X lens).

M13 (Great Globular Cluster in Hercules)

M104 (Sombrero Galaxy)

Omega Centauri (globular cluster)

2142 MST: StarLock OFF.

2152 MST: LX600 OFF.

2201 MST: did a Sky Quality reading. Reported the result to Globe at Night.

Close: Wednesday, 20 May 2020, 2206 MST
Temperature: 59°F
Session Length: 4h 02m
Conditions: Clear, SQM 21.26

On a recent report I mentioned that I was now writing product reviews for Astronomy Technology Today magazine. It is an honor to be included with these well-known Astro Gurus.

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