Planets, Moon,
D850 DSLR Exposure Tests
Posted: 9 November 2021
Sunday, 7 November 2021, was cloudy. But there was still something neat to see - a sleeping bobcat!
The sky cleared on Monday, 8 November.
Open: Monday, 8 November 2021, 1809 MST Temperature: 78°F |
Session: 1690 Conditions: Clear |
12" f/8 LX600 w/StarLock
2" 24mm UWA eyepiece
Focal reducer
2" UHC filter
iPhone 13 Pro Max
1814 MST: LX600 ON, StarLock OFF, High Precision OFF.
Viewed Venus, Saturn, and then Jupiter, 102X.
Viewed the Moon, 102X. Earthshine was nicely visible.
Took this handheld D850 DLSR photo (f/2.8, 1 second, ISO 800, FL 24mm, slightly cropped) of the planets and Moon.
Mouseover or tap on image for labels
Took this handheld iPhone 13 Pro Max afocal 102X image of the Moon using NightCap Camera (ISO 34, 1/710sec, 1X lens).
I prepared the D850 DSLR for imaging.
1840-1926 MST: relaxed on the observatory patio bench while waiting for the sky to get darker. It was really enjoyable looking at the night sky.
Mounted the D850 DSLR at prime focus + focal reducer. I then did StarLock autoguided imaging of M33 (Triangulum Galaxy) at ISO 800 using different exposure lengths (1, 5, and 10 minutes) with and without the UHC filter. This is the 10 minute, ISO 800, no UHC image.
See my updated my article D850 DSLR ISO Tests with details of these new tests.
The next step in my D850 DSLR ISO tests will be to do multiple images for stacking.
Lastly, I viewed M33, 102X. Nice view.
2024 MST: LX600 OFF.
Close: Monday, 8 November 2021, 2032 MST Temperature: 62°F |
Session Length: 2h 23m Conditions: Clear |
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