Crescent Moon, More Herschel 400 Catalog
Posted: 26 November 2022
Thursday night, 24 November 2022, was clear but windy. Conditions were better on Friday, 25 November.
Open: Friday, 25 November 2022, 1813 MST Temperature: 58°F |
Session: 1805 Conditions: Clear |
12" f/8 LX600 w/StarLock
2" 24mm UWA eyepiece
iPhone 13 Pro Max
1818 MST: LX600 ON, StarLock OFF, High Precision OFF.
Viewed Saturn, then Jupiter, 102X.
1829 MST: Stepped outside of the observatory for this D850 DSLR photo (f/5.6, 1/2sec, ISO 1600, FL 65mm) of the observatory and the setting crescent Moon.
Back at the 12" telescope, took this handheld iPhone 13 Pro Max afocal 102X photo of the Moon through a tree using NightCap Camera (ISO 1250, 1/40sec, 1X lens).
1838 MST: High Precision ON.
I then observed some more Herschel 400 Catalog objects, 102X: NGC7448 (galaxy), NGC7479 (galaxy), NGC7510 (open cluster), NGC7606 (galaxy), NGC7723 (galaxy), NGC7727 (galaxy), NGC7789 (open cluster), NGC7790 (open cluster), and NGC7814 (galaxy).
I mounted the D850 DSLR at prime focus, focused on Altair, and locked the 12" primary mirror.
1937 MST: StarLock ON.
I did StarLock autoguided images of these Herschel 400 Catalog objects at various exposures (1 minute to 5 minutes, ISO 800 to 3200).
NGC7243 (open cluster)
NGC7296 (open cluster)
NGC7380 (nebulae)
NGC7510 (open cluster)
NGC7606 (galaxy)
NGC7723 (galaxy)
NGC7727 (galaxy)
NGC7789 (open cluster)
NGC7790 (open cluster)
2130 MST: StarLock OFF.
2133 MST: LX600 OFF.
2145 MST: Took a Sky Quality reading.
While I was outside of the observatory I took this handheld iPhone 13 Pro Max photo of the eastern sky showing some constellations and the planet Mars using the Camera app (Night Mode, 3 seconds, 1X lens).
Mouseover or tap on image for labels
Close: Friday, 25 November 2022, 2153 MST Temperature: 42°F |
Session Length: 3h 40m Conditions: Clear, SQM 20.92 |
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