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Oracle State Park Singalong and Star Party

Posted: 18 June 2023

On Saturday, 17 June 2023, Oracle State Park had its first ever "Singalong and Star Party". Late afternoon had clouds over our beautiful Park.


Would the clouds prevent a star party? They wouldn't stop the Singalong. Park Manager Sinda Sutton and Friends of Oracle State Park President Deb Gaines welcomed everyone to the Park and introduced local musicians Ric Volante and Vicky Smith.


As sunset approached, visitors enjoyed the music and sang along to many popular songs.


In the hopes that the sky would clear at night, members of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association began setting up some telescopes.


The clouds made for a beautiful Arizona sunset at Oracle State Park.


The sky began clearing as the time for the star party approached. As an introduction to the star party, what better song to hear and sing along to is "Fly Me to the Moon" (and "let me play among the stars").

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Now it was time to "Star Party". Lines were long at the telescopes.


Initially, the planets Venus and Mars in the western sky (upper left in the next photo) were viewed.


As the sky became darker at Orocle State Park, the clouds began decreasing and visitors were able to enjoy seeing star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies through the telescopes until the star party ended at 10 PM.


Thanks Ric Volante and Vicky Smith for providing the wonderful music, to the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association for the exciting night sky viewing, and to the Friends of Oracle State Park for its ongoing support to the park. Many thanks to all of the 172 park visitors, adults and many children, who sang along to the music and enjoyed experiencing the night sky at Oracle State Park!

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