Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (clouded out)
Posted: 25 March 2024
As forecast, clouds arrived on Friday, 22 March 2024. And as forecast, rain arrived Sunday morning, 24 March. But what was not forecast was the very noisy thunderstorm that came through beginning at 0300 MST with a rapid 15 degree drop in air temperature. After sunrise I saw a few patches of snow. Total rain for the day was 0.69".
As a prelude to the Total Solar Eclipse on 8 April, I had hoped to be able to see and photograph the deep Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 24-25 March. I was able to catch the Full Moon through some clouds just before the eclipse started. This is a crop of the full-frame image.
24 March 2024, 2137 MST
D850 DSLR, f/8, 1/800sec, ISO 200, FL 600mm
Shortly after taking the above photo, clouds obscured the Moon. There was even some rain. The eclipse started at 2153 MST, mid-eclipse at 0013 MST, and the eclipse ended at 0233 MST. I was unable to see the Moon during the eclipse.
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