Last updated: 25 June 2006
Subject:	LPI
Sent:	Thursday, June 22, 2006 07:28:48
From:	Jasmin Pindzic (
I just would like to know if I can use the LPI for deep sky images, and
how is the quality of the image is going to be. Do I always have to
click on START BUTTON when I want to use the LPI, OR just when I want to
start taking images. How do you reduce the focal.

I don't know much about LPI camera please help me out here. which camera
is the best for deep sky images (DSI, LPI, or CCD)

Thank you very much. 
Mike here: There is some info on using the LPI on the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page. Yes, you can get images of some DSOs using the LPI although it is not ideal for them. The DSI line or one of the many CCD imagers will be better. Of course, many people use modified webcams. Again, see the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page. There are focal reducers for the ETX. See the Shutan Wide Field Adapter on the Accessory Reviews: Showcase Products page. Scopetronix also has a focal reducer for the ETX.


Mike thank you for your advice. I found everything I need on that web
site that you provided in your e-mail.
Thank you again

Subject:	LPI with ETX-125PE
Sent:	Monday, June 19, 2006 04:14:39
From:	Jasmin Pindzic (
I got a question on how to get my LPI to work. I was trying to see the
Saturn last night trough the ETX-125PE using LPI without the success. I
couldn't see anything on the screen when I connect  LPI to my laptop,
looking trough the eyepiece I could see the saturns ring.

I am new to LPI and I don't know much about it.

Could you please tell me how to use the LPI, I think I'm doing something

Thank you very much. 
Mike here: What settings were you using in the software? It sounds like either you had a too short exposure time OR Saturn was outside the field of view of the LPI. Have you ever seen an image of any object, terrestrial or perhaps the Moon? Remember that the LPI is like using a 6.7mm eyepiece.


Thanks for the quick respond to my e-mail.

I was using the software that came with my LPI (AUTOSTAR SUIT). I have
never seen any object trough my LPI, this was the first time for me to
use the LPI. The first thing I did was, I put 26mm eyepiece to center
the object first, than after the object is centered I would take
eyepiece out than I would put LPI cam into my telescope.

When I put the LPI into my telescope all I see is something like stars
in different colors but I don't see the object that I centered with my
26mm eyepiece first.

When I turn the LPI toward the light without putting it into my
telescope I could see some lights very blurry, which means my LPI camera
is working. You said that LPI is like 6.7mm eyepiece which is very hard
to center the object.

Do I have to use my LPI with eyepiece, OR I just put the LPI in my
telescope without any eyepiece?

Thank you very much for your help.
Mike here: The LPI is used in place of an eyepiece. And yes, the FOV is narrow. And it does need to be refocused. You can focus it and then replace it with an eyepiece. Slide the eyepiece in and out until you reach a focus WITHOUT using the focus knob. Then make a mark on the eyepiece tube (or use a parfocal ring). That lets you repeat the focus with the LPI the next time. I suggest checking things out in the daytime or a bright and large object like the Moon.


I sent you an e-mail before this one but I forget to ask you this
question, what settings should I use in the LPI software.

I open the LPI image screen than I click on (AUTO ADJUST).
Thank you.
Mike here: Take a look at "Mike Covington's LPI Notes" on the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page. And don't forget to read the manual, three times, at least.


Thank you very much Mike. 
I will read the manual a couple of times and follow the steps like you
said in your e-mail.
Thanks again.

Subject:	I send You one photo og Jupiter with my ETX90
Sent:	Friday, June 16, 2006 13:26:35
From: (
I take this picture from my home in Latina little town near Rome.

I hope that You Like the photo.


Marco Bensi
Latina 41 28' 37'' N - 12 53' 48'' E
Meade ETX 90 e 70 - Autostar LPI e DSI
* *
Le mie immagini sono su:



Add one photo of Saturn ..same site ...balcony of my Home from Latina
(25 meters level)


Subject:	Meade LPI shots for webpage
Sent:	Wednesday, June 7, 2006 08:08:28
From: (
Here are 2 highly detailed shots of the moon using my 6" newt, a 2x
barlow and the Meade LPI. Both shots are single shots with  0.046 sec.
exposure times touched up ever so slightly through Registax.

They are of the craters Copernicus and Plato and their surrounding regions.

Slowed the scope to F/10 with the barlow (250x)

Shot on June 6, 2006 at about 9:30.

Thanks for posting and keep up the excellent site.

Joe Caggiano



Subject:	Jupiter with LPI
Sent:	Tuesday, June 6, 2006 19:23:33
From:	Luis Villa (
These are by far the best pictures I have ever been able to get of
Jupiter. Both were taken within minutes of each other on May 27th.  The
one with the Barlow is a stack of the best 16 out of 50.  I used
Registrax to stack---- for some reason I seem to be getting better
results with Registrax than with the LPI stacks... I think it has to do
with the wind on that night, some of the pictures definitely show some
blurring due to scope moving--- this is the only night that we really
had wind to speak of.  I am guessing that LPI  tries to stack all of the
pictures.... whereas if I choose which ones to stack I get better
results.  Do you know if this would be the case?

The one without the barlow, is one of 54 images, no stacking... this is
straight from LPI.  I am going to stack the best of the 54 to see what
happens. And I will try to resize using Paint Shop Pro, I am hoping for
a larger image.
Exceptional viewing that night from my backyard. 
This is the first one I took--- NO barlow---
Now with a 2X barlow---
Mike here: I don't think the Autostar Suite software throws out any images that would deteriorate the image. Doing the manual selection process allows you to make the judgement calls on image quality and only include the best images.
Subject:	LPI Processing
Sent:	Friday, June 2, 2006 08:16:47
From:	Steve & Carey Young (
Is there any way to get a walk through or the processing of an image in
Autostar. I know that there is more information in some of my images.

Steve Young
1405 Florida Moss Lane
Port Orange, Florida 32128


Mike here: Lots of tips on the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page, many of which are not specific to the LPI but common to all astrophotography image processing. There are also some LPI articles there.
Subject:	Jupiter LPI Photo
Sent:	Tuesday, May 30, 2006 22:36:09
From: (
Hope your trip to Oracle went well. I have not been able to get out my
scope for a long time because our normal "May Gray" marine layer clouds
have been very persistant. On the evening of May 18th I took a chance
and set up my scope, but within a few minutes the clouds rolled in. On
the evening of May 19th the sky cleared, so I set up my scope and kept a
wary eye on the horizon. I set up the laptop and the LPI and within a
few minutes I captured what I believe is the Great Red Spot. Stats for
the attached photo are as follows: Meade ETX 125 UHTC Polar aligned,
Meade LPI, no Barlow or filters. I still have not installed the LPI
update from Meade, so this image was captured using the old version of
the LPI program. The base photo of Jupiter is a composite of 75 images
stacked by the LPI program, quality threshold set to 70%. Minor contrast
and color adjustments made in Adobe Photoshop. This image was cut and
pasted over an intentionally ov erexposed shot of Jupiter to capture two
bright moons. Hope you find this suitable for posting on your site.

Thanks for keeping your web site up to date. I learn something new every
time I visit.
Brian Miller
Spring Valley, CA 


Subject:	Io Transition
Sent:	Tuesday, May 30, 2006 17:29:42
From: (
Here is a REAL shot of a transition of Io in front of Jupiter taken
April 30, 2006. The moon can not be seen, only the shadow can. Taken
with my 6" Orion, a Meade LPI and a 2x barlow. I have included a picture
of a Jupiter Satellite program which predicted the event.

Thanks and keep up the excellent site.

Joe Caggiano
Glenside, Pa.

photo photo

Subject:	comet 73p b 
Sent:	Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:22:22
From:	alex wilson (
This is a small video of comet 73P-B/Schwassmann-Wachmann as it went
through Hercules last month,It was taken by my lpi camera on the single
frame mode and then i put them together with registax in animation .
bye the noo


Subject:	Jupiter 05:24:06
Sent:	Saturday, May 27, 2006 08:18:24
From:	Tom Mordasky (
Jupiter will be out in prime time in the southeast all summer. Here is
my latest photo attempt. As with my previous Saturn shots this is a
composite of a 5 second exposure with my Canon Powershot for the moons
and 187 frames  with my Meade LPI for the planet. Most note worthy 
science wise about this image is Jupiter's oblong shape, very obviously
not a sphere.


Subject:	Jupiter May 18th 1030pm PST ETX 125 with LPI
Sent:	Tuesday, May 23, 2006 20:33:43
From:	R Anderssen (
Lightning storms in the upper atmosphere, or a more earthy explanation?
Zoom of "Jup1" appears to show a moon in transit

photo photo

Mike here: Image defects most likely.
Subject:	Jupiter for gallery
Sent:	Tuesday, May 9, 2006 01:54:02
From:	home (
Please find attached an image of Jupiter taken 5th May 2006 from U.K. 
ETX125,  2x apo Barlow, lpi. Around 300 images stacked in Envisage.
Colour corrected in Registax, wavelets applied and final tweaking in
Photoshop CS2. Just as seeing was getting good, the cloud rolled in and
hasn't shifted since!


Please find attached an image of Jupiter and moons taken 5th May 2006
from U.K.  ETX125, lpi. Around 300 images stacked in Envisage. Colour
corrected in Registax, wavelets applied and final tweaking in Photoshop
CS2, including levels to bring up moons.


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Go to the July-September 2004 LPI Page.

Go to the April-June 2004 LPI Page.

Go to the January-March 2004 LPI Page.

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Copyright ©2006 Michael L. Weasner /
Submittal Copyright © 2006 by the Submitter