Subject: Seemingly 'dead' New-generation 497 Handbox Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 20:59:58 From: somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk (somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk) I bought a new model 497 handbox, which the owner claimed worked perfectly until he killed it by a bad upgrade download from PC.I figured I could perform a safe-download and get it working again, so got it for $35.00. I made a +9v powerup connector for it and tried the safe download key-combination while turning it on many times, but It has never given any indication of life no sound or display on powerup and I am inclined to think it is toast. But, I'm not ready to quit yet. All the onboard chip resistors, chokes, diodes and transistors also check out OK and there is +5v at all the proper places so the +9v to 5v conversion is functional. When I find my freq counter, I'll check the clocks too - what I really need is an O-Scope. I also removed, examined and reseated the display connector and cleaned off all the keypad-contacts on the boards front side assuming contact residue may be impairing pressed-key detection but No change. No beep, no display, no LEDs. My question is, does the unit need a functional display to operate? Since everything is dead, I'm inclined to suspect the MPU. Would my replacing the MPU require I pre-program the new MC68HC11E1CFn2 chip? Do you think 'shotgunning' all the other assorted SMD devices would help at all? Does anyone have the PIC program/code for the 'new' style 497 so I can reprogram and replace mine if that is the culprit? Has anyone successfully revived a totally dead handbox by chip replacement or other means? Thanks!Mike here: I'll leave this one to our resident AutoStar expert, Dick Seymour. From: richard seymour (rseymour@wolfenet.com) OK... let's see... > On Nov 21, 2010, at 20:59, somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk wrote: >> I bought a new model 497 handbox, which the owner claimed worked perfectly >> until he killed it by a bad upgrade download from PC. >> My question is, does the unit need a functional display to operate? No. It just spits commands to the display, it doesn't try to see if they were accepted. >> Since everything is dead, Im inclined to suspect the MPU. Actually, depending upon how/what/why the "bad upgrade" was done, i'd simply suspect that the previous owner wiped out the SafeLoad programming. No useful mc68hc11 code: dead Autostar. >> Would my replacing the MPU require I pre-program the new MC68HC11E1CFn2 chip? (a) there is no "Autostar-specific" programming in the MC68HC11. So there's nothing to pre-program. (b) There *is* however, a built-in "boot loader" (not used by the Autostar application) that you may be able to employ to reload the main flash memory, especially (or including) the boot loader. The botched upgrade did *not* damage that code (it's deep). Reading Motorola/Freescale's documentation on the subject would describe it. it "lives" in the memory space "behind" the on-chip EEPOM. It can be invoked by tying a couple of pins together during reset/boot. (c) an alternate path would be to reload the Flash Memory itself, and go from there, but it's probably easier to load the Meade "low memory" code into the Autostar's dynamic RAM, and have it "bootstrap" a SafeLoad procedure (since it holds the SafeLoad/Download code during an update, anyway) For starters, read Gene Lynol's adventures in reprogramming a 494 Autostar. http://home.comcast.net/~lynol1000/as_494_gc/index.html Since they don't have "SafeLoad" code, he activated the M68hc11's internal "boot loader" and took it from there. The normal Meade ROM file for the 497 contains the SafeLoad code, too. Starting 4k bytes into the file is/are the data that just gets "laid in" from the bottom end of the main FlashRam. >> Do you think shotgunning all the other assorted SMD devices would help at all? I sincerely doubt if they're dead. (if you know that the previous owner *electrically* damaged the Autostar, that's a different kettle of fish) >> Does anyone have the PIC program/code for the new style 497 >> so I can reprogram and replace mine if that is the culprit? You don't have a "new" style 497 (the "new" unit is a 497EP, and does not have an MC68hc11). From the point of view of everything, the older version of the 497 (wide, offset display connector) and the "newer" (but not "new", which usually implies "newest") use exactly the same firmware. The firmware directs the MC68hc11 to look at a jumper pin to see if it has a "new" or "old" display module, and it takes proper action based upon that. The *difference* is truly minor... there are about 8 characters that the "newer" module cannot create, so those bits of the firmware are bypassed in the "newer" model. But the firmware itself is the same in both flavors of 497. The PIC code (if you really needed it) is, to the best of my knowledge, unknown outside of Meade. They've "locked" the PIC chips to prevent readout. One can -guess- the probable functioning of them (simple servo loops, encoder readback, LED calibration), but the actual code is a mystery. >> Has anyone successfully revived a totally dead handbox by chip replacement or other means? All of the successfully-resurrected electronically dead ones i'm aware of had other simpler (non-PIC) problems: blown traces, dead voltage regulators, etc. Conversely, over the last decade, i only recall hearing of one or two where it really was the CPU chip that died. There has been a higher number of dead PIC chips, but the damage is usually obvious (plastic of chip cracked or scorched, also with trace or other component damage). If the other user tried (for example) to cram the 497EP firmware into the 497, that would, indeed, blow away the SafeLoad code and replace it with total garbage (from an MC68hc11's point of view). good luck --dickMike here: There is an article on the Helpful Information: AutoStar Info page called "Recovering from a Bad AutoStar Download" that may be able to help if the problem was an incorrect version download. And: Mike's follow-on message reminded me that we hadn't clarified: > On Nov 21, 2010, at 20:59, somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk wrote: >> I made a +9v powerup connector for it and tried the safe download key-combination Just so it's clear (to other readers of this thread): the SafeLoad key combination for a 497 is: Press and hold ENTER and SCROLL DOWN (the lower right-most key). While holding those keys pressed, apply power to the scope and Autostar. good luck --dick Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 20:21:20 From: somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk (somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk) Update to Seemingly 'DEAD' 497... I wanted you to know that I haven't been sitting on my hands, althoough it is a bit chilly here at the moment and the extra warmth would keep my tying mistakes down... I did some tinkering, replaced the MAX232 i/o 232 chip and fabricated a '505' and now can communicate with the handbox via serial, but I am still not able to 'see' any life on it. Setting the parameters to COM@, 9600, 8, 1 n, n and powering up gives me this:BUFFALO 3.4 (ext) - Bit User Fast Friendly Aid to Logical Operation Hitting enter gets me this:> and hitting ENTER again gives me this: ASM [<addr>] Line asm/disasm [/,=] Same addr, [^,-] Prev addr, [+,CTLJ] Next addr [CR] Next opcode, [CTLA,.] Quit BF <addr1> <addr2> [<data>] Block fill memory BR [-][<addr>] Set up bkpt table BULK Erase EEPROM, BULKALL Erase EEPROM and CONFIG CALL [<addr>] Call subroutine GO [<addr>] Execute code at addr, PROCEED Continue execution EEMOD [<addr> [<addr>]] Modify EEPROM range LOAD, VERIFY [T] < host dwnld command> Load or verify S-records MD [<addr1> [<addr2>]] Memory dump MM [<addr>] or [<addr>]/ Memory Modify [/,=] Same addr, [^,-,CTLH] Prev addr, [+,CTLJ,SPACE] Next addr <addr>O Compute offset, [CR] Quit MOVE <s1> <s2> [<d>] Block move OFFSET [-]<arg> Offset for download RM [P,Y,X,A,B,C,S] Register modify STOPAT <addr> Trace until addr T [<n>] Trace n instructions TM Transparent mode (CTLA = exit, CTLB = send brk) [CTLW] Wait, [CTLX,DEL] Abort [CR] Repeat last cmd Obviously, serial I/O is now working. The next thing I did was DUMP the content of the 68HC11 and attached it as a document to this email. Then I went looking for PC_Bug11, and found this JBug11 instead:http://freespace.virgin.net/john.beatty/jbug11_5_main.html DL it, the Manual and the Sourcecode (just in case) and have started reading the 68HC11 manual found here:http://www-personal.engin.umd.umich.edu/~nnarasim/courses/ece373/alllabs/labpack.pdf and here:http://www.xs4all.nl/~hc11/thrsim11/68hc11/literatu2.htm If anyone has a clue what I should do next, please post. Thanks! And: From: richard seymour (rseymour@wolfenet.com) Impressive... Although i know about the embedded debugger, i've never had to resort to it. Full documentation for the M68HC11 family is available from http://www.freescale.com ...the manufacturer. Search on "M68HC11" and follow the links... have fun --dick And: Thanks for the 'Freescale' link. I found all sorts of tools, docs and goodies for my 68HC11E1 there: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=68HC11E1&fsrch=1&sr=4 It is a shame that there are only 24hrs in a day, 48 in a good long weekend, and 72 over some good holidays, eh? This little utility (http://www.weasner.com/etx/autostar/2005/reset.html) won't work until I can use the keypad - or BS the O/S to 'think' I have pressed the requisite keys, and so I am left to figure out where the 'disconnect' between Bootup, Rom forcing a read into RAM or Jump to Flash of the Autostar may be..... And the 'Test Autostar" info here http://www.weasner.com/etx/autostar/as_testing.html doesn't return anything usable - just images of Hearts, Spades.. which aren't an echo of the CNTL-key I pressed. sigh. Maybe it's dropping an ASCII bit in there somewhere.. Will troubleshoot this theory and if so fix it. So much to learn... so little time. Any chance I could get a copy of the code of a known good 497.. or a copy of the code segment you provided to the gentleman with the dead '494? Thanks in advance! And: Middle things first: >> doesn't return anything usable - just images of Hearts, Spades.. >> which aren't an echo of the CNTL-key I pressed. Actually, that depends upon the character set your PC is using at the moment. The Hearts, Spades (etc) are part of the low-end (i.e. control characters) of the original IBM PC's character set. Modern Windows systems still support it, so that programs written in 1981 will still work. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437 for the character set's listing. On 11/25/2010 10:13 AM, somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk wrote: > This little utility (http://www.weasner.com/etx/autostar/2005/reset.html) > won't work until I can use the keypad - or BS the O/S to 'think' I have > pressed the requisite keys, and so I am left to figure out where the > 'disconnect' between Bootup, Rom forcing a read into RAM or Jump to Flash > of the Autostar may be..... Actually, the "reset.html" routine requires an (almost) fully-functioning Autostar, since they're using a routine in the Download code (which is part of the Meade code, not part of the M68hc11's buried debugger). So if it ain't booting, and ain't responding to "SafeLoad", the chances are the required code is not there. > Any chance I could get a copy of the code of a known good 497.. or a copy > of the code segment you provided to the gentleman with the dead '494? If you have a 497, the full code load is contained in every ROM file provided by Meade. So, for 43Eg (for example), fetching http://www.meade.com/support/auto/Build.zip will give it to you. The rom file has a 4kb header, and then the rest is the flash memory's load. It's divided into 32kb "pages", with "empty" (xFF) zones where the m68hc11's internal EEPROM will eventually be "mapped" (seen as xB600 through xB7FF when in use, but as x3600 to x37ff when looked at in the ROm file. have fun --dick And more: OK. I sorta figured that out earlier this afternoon... thanks just the same. Have switched to DOS/ASCII charset now - but have not yet retried the serial access (dinner, dishes and putting kids to bed) What I wanted to share was that in my readings I came across this: eeprom $f800 $ffff which specifies the EEProm range on my 68HC11E1 processor, and that is the only area I can actively modify, or that could have been accidentally modified by the previous owner, right? So what that means is that my boot/powerup error can or must be in that area of code... or it would be nice if it was ;) Then I have to ask/beg can someone of you do a similar DUMP of there 497 using Hyperterm as I did, and tell me which bytes of that area don't match? Or better yet, can the DUMP be dumped (odd) and then saved to a txt file and emailed to me and I'll do the comparing? My aim is to find and correct all glitched bits by re-programming them... and get it (my bad 497) working again. Thanks! And: > > What I wanted to share was that in my readings I came across this: eeprom > > $f800 $ffff which specifies the EEProm range on my 68HC11E1 processor, and > > that is the only area I can actively modify, or that could have been > > accidentally modified by the previous owner, right? I fear you're chasing another red herring... since you're running the "buried" debugger, *it* controls what you see in the f800 area. You saw: FFD0 7E E3 57 00 00 00 00 C4 00 C7 00 CA 00 CD 00 D0 FFE0 00 D3 00 D6 00 D9 00 DC 00 DF 00 E2 00 E5 00 E8 FFF0 00 EB 00 EE 00 F1 00 F4 00 F7 00 FA 00 FD E0 00 If you were running a newish 497 with 43Eg in SafeLoad, you'd see: ffd0 ff ff ff ff ff ff 07 40 07 40 07 40 07 3c 07 40 ffe0 07 38 07 34 07 30 07 2c 07 28 07 24 07 20 07 1c fff0 07 40 07 1b 07 17 07 13 07 0f 07 0b 07 07 ba 40 (my ancient 497 has an older version of SafeLoad, so the numbers differ a bit) If you were running a 497 with 43Eg in "regular" (or Download) mode, you'd see: ffd0 31 39 ff ff ff ff 2f 76 2f d2 2f ce 2f ca 2e 1a ffe0 2f c6 2f c2 2f be 2f ba 2f b6 2f b2 2f ae 2f aa fff0 2e 1f 2f a9 2f a8 2f a4 2f a0 2f 9c 2f 98 b8 6b > > So what that means is that my boot/powerup error can or must be in that > > area of code... or it would be nice if it was ;) Next red herring: the addresses in the above dumps contain "vectors", not code. In your dump, when your m68hc11 performs a "reset", it looks at xFFFE/F It sees (fetches) E000 ... and sets that value into the Program Counter. The first instruction that actually *executes* is located there: xE000 The addresses below xFFFE are other vectors... which point to other entry points in the program. Yours point to various values ranging from 00C4 to 00FD. Look at the "real" Meade's code. Their reset vectors are BA40 (SafeLoad) and B86B (normal). The other vectors point to the 07xx area (SafeLoad) and the (mostly) 2Fxx area for "normal". When the Autostar is operating normally, the addresses below x8000 are mapped into the static ram, not the flash. Part of the boot code copies chunks of programs from Flash Ram down into Static Ram, and then control is transferred down there. > > Did you get a copy of the DUMP I did when I got the serial comms working? > > If not, I am sending it again. Thanks, having the 2nd copy saved me time. > > Then I have to ask/beg can someone of you do a similar DUMP of there 497 > > using Hyperterm as I did, and tell me which bytes of that area don't match? > > Or better yet, can the DUMP be dumped (odd) and then saved to a txt file > > and emailed to me and I'll do the comparing? ALL of the xf800 to xFFFF region you sent differs from the normal Meade code. You're running/seeing the built-in debugger (or someone's built-in), which is never invoked. For example, your dump has the string "vbtest". If you search Meade's 43Eg ROM file, you won't -see- that string anywhere. > > My aim is to find and correct all glitched bits by re-programming them... > > and get it (my bad 497) working again. Unfortunately, you've got a few steep hills to climb. The memory used to hold the Autostar's program is FlashRam. The SafeLoad code contains non-interrupt subroutines for "flashing" that ram. At boot-time, the SafeLoad code is placed into the Static Ram, and control is transferred there (this is also true for the "normal" code..but it puts its own routines in the Static Ram). This allows the code (now in Static Ram) to "map out" the upper 32kb of the address space with pages of the FlashRam as it "burns" it. The 1MB of 497 memory consists of 32 32kb pages. The first 14 (less two) of those contain "program", and the rest have "data". The programming you're seeing in the built-in debugger knows *nothing* about the FlashRam. It doesn't have subroutines to burn it, it doesn't have subroutines to "flip" the pages. good luck --dick And this: Have fun huh? Man have I bit off more than I thought... Since my 497 won't kickstart, and the Astrostar suite, PEC Editor and a few orher meade-related comm apps I've tried can't 'see' it, how am I going to repair what I am sure is corrupt bootstrap eeprom code? Is the true code in there 'translated', or just 'shifted' xxx bits or bytes in memory? - I think that is called offset. The built-in debugger, Buffalo, is the only method that seems to be able to communicate with my PC. Even the JBug and PCBug11 programs can't see anything on the COM1 port I am using (the only one on this Laptop)... If I understand correctly, either the EEPROM code to boot the 497 on powerup and run the sequence of load to RAM and then Jump to AddrXYZ to start it all... or the Flash at the jump location AddrXYZ is corrupt, right? Can you give me a hint of where and how to begin? My short term goal right now is to somehow wake up the handbox.. the longterm goal is to get 'Safe Download' to work. I read quite a bit of stuff on the HC11E1 and it seems pretty complicated. At the very least, it requires a different mindset. So.. its not possible (or plausible) that someone of you could do what I did with hyperterm, grab a dump from a known-good unit and use it to 'compare' good dump code to bad? And then, reprogram my 'content' code, vectors or hex-values to look like it? Thanks for all your info and help so far!Mike here: You asked: "Can you give me a hint of where and how to begin?" A thought: Get a new AutoStar and use the bad one for spare parts? And: > If I understand correctly, either the EEPROM code to boot the 497 on > powerup and run the sequence of load to RAM and then Jump to AddrXYZ to > start it all... or the Flash at the jump location AddrXYZ is corrupt, > right? You still haven't quite got it... There is no on-chip EEPROM *programming* involved with Autostar operations, including boot. Everything controlling the Autostar comes from the FlashRam. I suspect "page zero" and/or "page one" (if not more) are corrupt.. probably erased. (i think) You mentioned an update that went wrong... if, in Download mode, the user managed to send "E0" (that's an ascii E followed by a binary zero), the Autostar would erase those two pages... *except* the Autostar is programmed to not DO that. But i haven't looked at the SafeLoad code for a number of years (it may not have the "safety" check), and the earliest (1.1, 1.2) versions of 497 code didn't have that protection. So my suspicion is that either the memory got erased, or (as you've been assuming) some of the bytes got overwritten (any "1" bit can be flipped to zero with the right effort). > Can you give me a hint of where and how to begin? My short term goal > right now is to somehow wake up the handbox.. the longterm goal is to get > 'Safe Download' to work. I read quite a bit of stuff on the HC11E1 and it > seems pretty complicated. At the very least, it requires a different > mindset. Since you also have to deal with the FlashRam burning, it's far worse. As i do further digging through my old notes, i become puzzled. I'm not sure why/what you're seeing in your memory dump that you sent. The Autostar is wired to have the Parallel Port A control the memory mapping. Bytes you write to the first device register (location x0000 after the Autostar boots, but i forget where they are in the Buffalo state you're seeing), you will cause different pages of the Flash Ram to appear in the m68hc11's address space, occupying all of the space between x8000 to xFFFF (although "Buffalo mode" may steal some of that back). The bits which control the map are the upper 5 bits in that byte. (you may have to write to the Port's control register to set the lines to "output"). So writing x00 to x00 (or the first device register) maps in Page 0 of FlashRam. Writing x04 to x00 maps in Page 1 Writing x08 to x00 maps in Page 2 Writing x0C to x00 maps in Page 3 Writing x10 to x00 maps in Page 4 Writing x14 to x00 maps in Page 5 ...and so on. > So.. its not possible (or plausible) that someone of you could do what I > did with hyperterm, grab a dump from a known-good unit and use it to > 'compare' good dump code to bad? And then, reprogram my 'content' code, > vectors or hex-values to look like it? What zone of memory do you want? The section of ROM (well, Static Ram) i sent includes the Download code. It starts at x018A and continues up to x034D But it expects to already have the device registers mapped to x00-x3F It does "polled" serial I/O (instead of interrupt driven), since it expects the FLashRam mapping/writing to have made the interrupt vectors unusable. Unfortunately, it's not "position independent" code, most of the addresses it uses for hopping between sections are "direct", not relative or indexed. Do you have a Hex Editor on your PC? good luck --dick And more: > Can you give me a hint of where and how to begin? That depends upon what tools and expertise you have (or are willing to acquire). For some people, it would be far easier to replace the FlashRam chips (probably just replacing the one which serves as Pages 0 through 0F would suffice). By "replace", you could "simply" unsolder the existing chip, re-burn it with the first half of the 43Eg Build.ROM file, and solder it back in. Done! (with luck). Ask around.. a surprising number of people have access to sophisticated soldering stations. good luck --dick p.s. pages 00 through 0f exist as addresses 00 through 3ffff in the Build.Rom file p.p.s. this "hardware" approach may well be the method i'd choose... Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 00:07:13 From: somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk (somethingscrooked@uku.co.uk) Dick, Thanks for your continued effort in helping me try to get this working. You have really excelled in every way, digging out old notes, reading up on this controller and grabbing dumps and 'snippets' for me ;-) You make it sound like alot of fun to be able (technically and physically) to fix stuff like this. I wll try, follow your lead, read and try to pick up on this stuff, but if all else fails, at least I will have tried... and there's always Ebay for another ;-) I'll keep reading and am also doing a University-level course on the 68000 series of CPU, and dug out an old MPU (MicroProfessor68) a PC-looking teaching tool with serial and parallel ports, speaker, Leds and a 2-line display to see if I can a handle on all this or even figure this out. The manual is German :-) Anyone have a copy of DASM68 and ASM68? Was Freeware 680xx tools by www.BirdComputer.ca... which seems to have gone under. ********* asm68.exe A cross macro assembler that assembles code for the 680xx using a PC Supported Processors: 68008, 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68EC030, 68EC040, 68LC040, CPU32, 68851, 68881, 68882 Output: S-record, binary * asm68.zip (110k) - assembler, manual, and source sample dasm68.exe A cross dissassembler that dissassembles 680xx binary code using a PC Supported Processors: 68008, 68000, 68010, 68020 Output: text file * dasm68.zip (25k) - dissassembler ********* I have several hundred programming and util CDs from 2000-2005 and will give them a look too I'm pretty adept at electronics repair - its the CPU and MPU and RAM/ROM which I hedge on. I have a PACE and can probably pick up a new hot-air tip for it for chip removal/replacement... but I'd rather try exhausting all the other things first. At any rate, I'll source out the Flash chips just in case... Thanks! On Thursday I broke out my PACE and have ordered the necessary x-Traction and chip removal bits I'll need - or may need. I have both WinHEX (http://www.winhex.com/winhex/index-m.html) and HexEdit (http://www.mediafire.com/?5ylliymrz2m) on my PC. Subject: DEAD AUTOSTAR RESURRECTION TIP Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 13:04:32 From: manuel martin (martinlacave@wanadoo.es) It appears that the MC68HC11E1 is a E9 with the bit ROMON of the byte CONFIG (103F) set to off. In case this bit is on you will see the internal EPROM. In the #497 I had also dead, that bit was on and I see the Bufalo 3.4 on it. After putting this bit to cero, I am able to see the external PROM,s, but still is not working. I hope this can help a bit. Best regards Manuel Martin |
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