Last updated: 31 December 2003

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Hector Alanis ( [31 Dec 03]
Star Trails
Star trails from Nuevo Leon Mexico. Nikon Coolpix5400 10 min and noise reduction.
Happy New Year !!!!!!!!
Greetings from Monterrey Mexico.
"mark mathosian" ( [28 Dec 03]


Happy holidays! Thought your viewers might like to see some moon shots taken with a Coolpix 995 camera on a tripod. I call these tropical delights.
"Rick" ( [28 Dec 03]
What a beautiful way to top off a great Christmas Day! In the Keene area (just south of Peterborough, Ontario) the clouds were pretty solid most of Christmas Day. Then at sunset there was a break in the western horizon. We missed the best of the sunset colours before the clouds rolled away far enough to the east to reveal the beautiful conjunction of the 38 hour old Moon and Venus. Christmas supper had to wait as I ran to the back yard to grab a few images (see attached). It was exciting and well worth the wait and anticipation. You can see hints of the retreating clouds at the top of some of the images. Within an hour we were cloud covered again for the rest of the evening. By this point, the turkey was carved and our house full of company was more than satisfied with both a feast for the eyes and the palate. This was truly a "window of opportunity" and a holiday to remember. I was using a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera.
Season's Greetings, Rick Stankiewicz
Peterborough, Ont. [3 Dec 03]
unfortunately I missed the Aurora occasions last month. But sometimes the sky shows colors as if it were Aurora. This is produced by a warm, dry wind coming down from the mountains (abt. 100 km away) 'eating' up the clouds and thus opening a window for the sun to illuminate in wonderful colors. We call it 'Fhn' here in southern Germany. This picture was done from my home garden at 07:30 local time (UTC 06:30) on December 2nd, 2003 (Kodak DX6490, f/2.8, 1/45s, 4MP cropped down to fit onto webpage). NO, I did not 'made' it colorful, it WAS colorful. [23 Nov 03]
it's not a MEADE but it's worth trying...
"UNGUIDED DEEP SKY ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY WITHOUT A TELESCOPE" - that sounds strange...but, have a look!
Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany)
November 20th, 2003
M45 'The Plejades'
Kodak DX6490 digital camera (on tripod, unguided)
ASA 800, f/3.7, 8*6s (darkframe), 10*optical zoom
I counted stars down to 9m.1 - that's much more than I had expected! (Richard Shoesmith) [20 Nov 03]
Another stunning aurora tonight. This was taken looking east at 21.30 GMT. Fuji S602z, 5secs f3.2. Orion and Saturn both visible.
Kewing, Rendall, Orkney KW17 2HA (Rick) [18 Nov 03]
Pleiades and Moon
The attached shots were taken just after "totality" (around 8:30) on the 8th. They are 2 minute exposures using a Canon F1 and 50mm lense @ f/2.8 and Kodak 400 ASA film (one is an inset of the other). It was a picture perfect night for an eclipse!
Rick Stankiewicz
Peterborough, Ont. (V.A. van Wulfen) [31 Oct 03]
Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora
Here are some pictures of the northern lights, taken on October 30th, in the Netherlands. Camera: Sony DSC-S85, ISO 200/400, manual, aperature 2.1, 8 seconds. (Richard Shoesmith) [31 Oct 03]


I took these images tonight ( 29th October 2003 at about 1945 ). I have never seen an Aurora like it, the sky was so bright it was almost like a full moon. Photo's were taken with handheld Fuji Finepix S602Z, exposure 2.5" at f3.2. I hope you can find room in the sky gallery for them.
Kewing, Rendall, Orkney (Job Geheniau) [28 Oct 03]
just my roof view this night [24 Oct 03]
Just caught a meteor with the ETX, first time. (divenuts) [4 Oct 03]
Mars and Lightning
I took this photo 9/24/03 and thought it was an impressive display of power...Mars is in the upper right. A strong thunderstorm was approaching from the east with clear skies ahead of the storm in the early evening over the Tampa Bay area. Taken with a Nikon CP 995. No scope involved but I thought it to be interesting anyway(I was setting up for a night of viewing with my ETX-125) Feel free to use the photo if you find it of interest. Thanks for looking, (Dave Wallace) [4 Oct 03]


[Top] Another photo of the night sky with annotations. ISO 200, f/2.5, 60 sec. f=50mm some Photo Shop processing to reduce light pollution fog and downsampled by a factor of 4.5:1. This photo includes the constellations Delphinus, Equuleus, Sagitta, Vulpecula and part of Aquila. Also included (magenta circle) is the "Coathanger Cluster".
[Bottom] Another constellation picture: Cassiopea, and I also got NGC 869 and NGC 884 (magenta circle). (Rick) [18 Sep 03]
Mars and Moon
On August 12, 2003 the Perseids were bit of a washout from where I was in northern Ontario ( Sault Ste. Marie), with full moon and all. However, with Mars near the moon that night it made for some interesting juxapositioning near a local landmark. The shot aligns Mars, the moon and the "star" of the Lone Star Cafe restaurant sign. All images were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera. (Dave Wallace) [18 Sep 03]


[Top] This is a rather odd sky photo. What I did was take a shot of the night sky directly overhead at 10 PM local time (EDT) on 8/20/03, using a Canon Rebel G fixed-mounted on a heavy photo tripod. The lens was a 50mm f/1.4 prime. Film was Ektachrome ISO 200. Exposure time was 8 seconds. As usual, I scanned the slide and brought it up in PhotoShop. But this time, I decided to correlate the photo to a star map, so I had to rotate the image about 50 degrees. Then I cropped to just include the constellation of Lyra. (Well, most of it -- I was slightly off, hence the white areas.) Finally, I drew in the constellation "stick-figure" and the borders.
The result is a photorealistic star map of Lyra. All the little dots were actually in the sky. :) Note that Epsilon Lyra shows plainly as a double in the image -- the effective magnification of a photo scanned at 2700 dpi and shown at around 100 dpi is on the same order as an ETX70.
[Bottom] This is a full-resolution crop from the same picture as I used to generate the star map. Vega, epsilon Lyra and environs. Not bad for a 36mm f/1.4 telescope. :) (Ignacio Rodriguez) [26 Aug 03]
I like this photo of the Cygnus constellation. The set up was: Camera: Olympus OM-1n , lens: zuiko 50 mm working at f/4, film : slide film Elite chrome 200 and then copied using a slide duplicator to negative film Konica Centuria 800. The camara was piggy backed on top of my ETX-125. I have the scopetronix piggy back camera adapter. It was taken from suburban skies. I have tried the same from my backyard using a LPR filter but the result is not the same. There was just few corrections, the telescope was well aligned in polar mode. The image was digitally enhanced to show more clearly the Northamerica Nebula and some other nebulosity around the central star of Cygnus (named Sadr ).
Thanks for your great site! (Henry Wong) [15 Aug 03]
Moon and Mars
Here is my first contribution. I'm still learning how to take pictures with my ETX-90, but here something with my Olympus C3000. Moon and Mars [4 Aug 03]
Iridium (Nicholas Eggleston) [31 Jul 03]
Southern Cross
Please find attached a 15sec exposure at 100ASA, f2.8 of the Southern Cross and 2 Pointers. Hope that you can include it on your website. (jim abbey) [23 Jul 03]
i have not been very active with the group, I have just been only reading the post. I have a web site update for you. This new update on my web page has a video clip of the ISS through my ETx90ec,also I'm including a photo of it from a still,I shot with my Aiptek is the link again in case you don't have this one? i have 4 different pages to my web site each is linked together.

The photo I took with the 90 was done at low magnification 48x to be to the point.As I blew it up with Photo shop7 ,I noticed you could make out the main solar power panels,due to the orange color.The Brighter white color is the main body of the station. I used the satellite autostar tour to predict its pass. I Entered the time on the autostar with an atomic clock."Most of the predictions are right on the nose.the thing I like most with the etx90 is that, i can go out at a moments notice and take 2 minutes or so to get aligned and then its a piece of cake! i sill use my ETX70at for sweeping the sky on the Milky way and other star fields. i have learned so much with the two scopes and books I have read. the ETX90ec ,is a scope that I will never sell or trade for anything. I may get a larger scope,like The Lx200 series. I am looking at an 8, 10, or12 inch modles.even if I do get a larger scope ,I will always turn to the ETX90 ,for grab and go. The way the Weather is here in Jacksonville,Florida, i can break out the little 90 and have fun,(just grab and set up and when clouds mess things up grab and go in to the house! I guess thats what they meant by"Grab and go" (Carl Bernhardt) [23 Jul 03]
Moon and Mars
Here is a picture of this weeks near occultation of mars by the the moon taken in Riverside, California.  I used my ETX90RA with a Nikon 4500 and a Scopetronix 14mm wide angle eyepiece/adapter. (Daniel Durie) [19 Jul 03]
Mars and Moon
This was taken on 7/17 at 1:10:40 PDT in Northern California. I used a Canon G2 thru an ETX 125 with a Scopetronix 40mm eyepiece and camera adapter. Exposure was 1/200 @ f/4, ISO 200. The original was in RAW format, and I used Photoshop to crop and re-save the image in JPEG format. Other than that, no retouching. I took 30 images with this camera, and another 24 with an Olympus OM1 at prime focus. The original clearly shows some albedo on the surface of mars, but the RAW image file size is way too large for emailing. Tomorrow, I'll try to isolate Mars and see if I can get a clean image. [19 Jul 03]
Mars and Moon
Mars and Moon
[Top] Just thought it was a nice picture.
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands (Vincent Fesunoff) [3 Jul 03]
The attached JPEG was taken tonight 7/2/03, using a Sony Cybershot DSC-P72 from my backyard in "beautiful downtown Riverside." Jupiter and the crescent moon as they set between my neighbors palm trees. Didn't need my ETX-90 for this one, a great visual arrangement of two of my favorite observing list items. With low light settings and the focus set to infinity, I took a series of some 20 exposures as the sky darkened. Cropping, minor level adjustment, and image scaling were performed using Photoshop.
Thank you for your efforts in support of ETX users everywhere. (Rick) [14 Apr 03]
Jupiter and M44
The attached is the results from an astrophotography session on March 30.03. Around Peterborough the weather was not great around the April 4th max. of Jupiter and M44. We suffered cloudy skies and wind that left few openings for good results. It was taken with a Canon Ftb SLR camera and 135mm lense (f/3.5) piggybacked on a Meade ETX scope for 2 minutes, on Fuji 800 ASA print film. It was cropped to the central portion of the picture for the best results. (Craig M . Bobchin) [10 Apr 03]
I'm attaching an image I took of the sky during the recent messier marathon. It was taken as usual with my Casio Qv-3500 ex. It might fit in the Sky folder of your web site. (Rick) [25 Mar 03]
I am attaching an image that I shot of Jupiter in the heart of Cancer on March 18th. Jupiter is nicely framed next to M44 by gamma, eta, theta and delta Cancri. I used an Canon SLR camera with 135mm lense @ f/4.0 for 2 minutes, on Fuji 800 ASA print film. I was piggybacked on a Meade ETX 90 scope. If you would like higher rez images, let me know. Enjoy,
Rick Stankiewicz
Peterborough, Ont.
P.S. I am quite pleased sometimes the way the ETX can track. Not bad given that I have to polar align each time I set up. I have had good luck up to at least 3 minutes exposures, when I have nailed the aligning. (Rick) [21 Mar 03]
Sun Pillar
On October 21, 2002, I captured the attached images of a rather unique "double" solar pillar. In these images the sun is blocked by a cloud and there were short columns going up and down from where the solar disk was. The same evening other images of more "conventional" solar pillar were taken. This was all on my way home from work. A nice surprise at the end of a day! The images were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera. If you require any other information or details about the shots, let me know. (Rick) [12 Mar 03]
Venus & Moon
I am sending you this image from the recent nice morning pairing of Venus and the crescent moon. It was shot from just south of Peterborough, Ontario, using a Nikon Coolpix 995 camera. (Rick) [19 Feb 03]
This past weekend proved to be quite interesting. On Saturday evening (15th) the near full moon and Jupiter made a nice pairing and then on Sunday evening, the moon produced a nice halo. Even though it was cold here, the attached images were both captured just south of Peterborough, Ontario. I was using a Nikon Coolpix camera for both shots. (Josh/Ari Teasdale/Knight) [4 Feb 03]
star trails
This is a 1hr. photo, using 400 speed film and 50mm lens. (Rick) [26 Jan 03]
Sun Dogs
Yesterday afternoon was an interesting one in terms of atmospheric conditions. It was another cold one (-16 C w/o the wind-chill), but it started with a set of Sun Dogs during the hour before sunset. Then there was a faint solar pillar and a Belt of Venus that followed. An interesting evening to say the least. Sun Dog shot was taken in downtown Peterborough, Ontario, from the 4th floor balcony of my office building (I was still at work). I used a Nikon Coolpix 995. (Rick) [10 Jan 03]
This is what we were greet with this morning just before sunrise today in the Peterborough area! What a way to start the day! The temperature was about 17 degrees Celsius, but the air was clear. The clouds came rolling in right after these shots were taken. This shot was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera. If you require further details or higher rez, just let me know. (Hector) [3 Jan 03]
I send you a picture taken past morning december 30th at the mountains near to Monterrey Mexico. You can see the moon, venus and mars right above. Happy New year !!! Greetings from Monterrey Mexico

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for earlier photos.

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