![]() Last updated: 5 November 2004 |
Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to etx@me.com. Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.
Submitted by: LUFHISSA ((GERENCIA PLANTA)) (gerenciaplanta@lufhissa.com) [5 Nov 04] |
I am sending you a picture of the last lunar eclipse. The picture was taken with a Coolpix 5400 and an adapter and uwa18mm eyepiece scopetronix with an ETX 125 in polar wedge. |
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Submitted by: Graham, John L (Graham@udri.udayton.edu) [5 Nov 04] |
The weather here was pretty socked in for the recent total lunar eclipse on the evening of October 27-28 and I was sure it was going to be a wash. However, I stepped outside about a quarter after eleven and found the clouds were thinning so I hurriedly mounted my 4.5" f/4 on my Meade DS-2130's mount, strung a USB cable out through my garage door, and in a few minutes had my Meade LPI set up and running. Attached are three examples taken at 23h43m (just 1 minute before the end of totality), 00h30m (the Moon's a little more than half way out of the Earth's shadow) and 01h00m (6 minutes after leaving the umbra). I stayed up until 1:30 hoping to get a picture of the Full Moon, but the LPI was so sensitive the images were still showing the faint outer penumbra. Each of these pictures is a composite of two frames; one covering the northern hemisphere the other the southern. Each frame is an average of 10 source images. |
Submitted by: millers18@att.net [5 Nov 04] |
By now I'm sure you have dozens of images of the October 27 2004 total lunar eclipse. I hope you'll find the attached photos acceptable for your site.
I have been waiting for this eclipse for over a year. The first time I tried to photograph a total lunar eclipse with my ETX 60 was May 15 2003. The skies were clear that night but I did not prepare well enough and had to move the scope a few times because the moon was obscured by telephone poles and trees. Additionally I was not familiar with my camera and I was not satisfied with the pictures I took. I was better prepared for the November 8 2003 total lunar eclipse, and I set up my ETX 125 for the event, but all of totality was obscured by high clouds. This would be my last chance until 2007 to get a picture of totality and it looked like it was going to be a wash it started raining heavily that morning and it was still raining at sunset. At moonrise the sky started to clear, but there were still some scattered showers. Twice I set up the ETX 60 and hunkered over it with an umbrella. It started raining so I gave up after a few minutes because I was afraid the rain would short out the scope and ruin the coatings on the objective. I took it in the house and did a "fake" alt/azimuth easy alignment and let it track the moon, hoping that the rain would stop long enough to get a picture of totality. Theoretically, I should be able to take the scope outside, point it at the moon and it should track just fine. After about 20 minutes the rain stopped and the sky cleared. I ran outside with the scope and started taking pictures within five minutes. The little ETX 60 tracked perfectly for over 2 hours! The sky was steady and the scope acquired a heavy coat of dew but the Meade dew shield kept the objective clear through the whole session. Here are the details on the attached photos: All photos taken from Spring Valley, CA with ETX 60, Nikon Coolpix 4500, ScopeTronix Digi-T adapter & 28 mm T-Ring, Orion Exlorer II 21mm to 7mm zoom eyepiece. #1: U2 Eclipse Phase - totality. 4 images @ 4 sec f/7.4 ISO 400 stacked in Adobe Photoshop & flipped horizontally to correct orientation. 21mm - 50% zoom. #2: Beginning of U3 Eclipse Phase - end of totality. Stack 1: 5 images @ 2 sec f/6 ISO 400 stacked in Adobe Photoshop & flipped horizontally to correct orientation. 21mm - 0% zoom. #3: Beginning of U3 Eclipse Phase - end of totality 5 images @ 2 sec f/6 ISO 400 stacked in Adobe Photoshop & flipped horizontally to correct orientation. 21mm - 50% zoom. #4: 50% of U3 Eclipse Phase - end of partial eclipse. 3 images @ 1/4 sec f/6 ISO 200, Parks ND 50 filter, stacked in Adobe Photoshop & flipped horizontally to correct orientation. 15mm - 50% zoom. #5: Almost U4 Eclipse Phase - end of partial eclipse. 3 images @ 1/4 sec f/7 ISO 100, Parks ND 50 filter, stacked in Adobe Photoshop & flipped horizontally to correct orientation. 15mm - 50% zoom. You have a great website Mike. Keep up the good work. |
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See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for more even photos posted in 2004.See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for more photos posted in 2004.
See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for more photos of the November 2003 eclipse.
See the Guest Lunar Eclipse for photos of the May 2003 eclipse.
See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.
See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.
See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 1999 for photos taken in 1999.
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