Last updated: 31 October 2005

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. You will also find astrophotography examples on the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page.

Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [31 Oct 05]
So here Mars on 29th of october. Also all the pictures of Mars this year in 1 pic with the ETX90. And a wide field. You can see the Pleiades, Mars, My car, my ETX90 and myself.
Mars Mars Mars
Click for full size image
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [31 Oct 05]
Submitted by: Paul Campbell ( [31 Oct 05]
here is a photo of Mars from 29 Oct. I ran out of space on my c drive so I could not finish the photo but I wanted to send it any way. This photo was taken with a etx 125, a apo 2x tele and a sac 7 camera. pre processing using handy avi, and final processing using registax 3. Thats as far as I got hope you enjoy.
Here is three new photos of mars from 10 29 05. etx 125, 2x tele, sac 7 ccd. All are 160sec avi's at 1/30 of a sec. pre processed in handy avi, processed in registax 3 cleaned up in adobe 6.0
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [27 Oct 05]
A little ode to Mars for the Planet section.
Here my Mars but now better in color and contrast.
Submitted by: ROBERT Derouin ( [24 Oct 05]
Attached is an image of Mars taken the night of Oct 20,2005.I used a Meade 125etx and a 2x barlow.Also used a Meade LPI imager.I flipped image in Microsoft Picture-It software. Image taken from Johnston,Rhode Island. Seeing not so great.focus off.Will try harder!!!!Hopefully, you'll have a spot for this on your great website!!Thanks Mike!! P.S.) didn't keep track of how many images stacked here.
Submitted by: Martin Sidgreaves ( [24 Oct 05]
Took these of Mars last night. Thought you may like to include them on your Guest Planetary page.
Mars Mars
Submitted by: Gerald Wechselberger ( [21 Oct 05]
After a long time i made images again with my ETX125. Mars was in good position in Africa and the ETX125 became my travelscope for that trip. So find attached one of the Marsimages i made on October 13th 2005 Data:
Location Kenya/Africa near Malindi.
Webcam - Toucam.
491 images used out of 1000.
ETX125 on EQ-5 Mount (similar like CG5 but the chinese version))
Submitted by: Tom Mordasky ( [21 Oct 05]
Shot Sat. 10/15 at 10:30PM EDST. with my Canon Powershot A80 via Eyepiece projection through a 24mm eyepiece and a 2x barlow on my ETX90, 32 still images stacked.
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [21 Oct 05]
Mars moons Phobos and Deimos
Submitted by: bruno ( [12 Oct 05]
first of all congratulation for your great website ! I bought recently an ETX 105 and I'm still learning. hereunder pse find a photo taken yesterday to Venus. Here how it was taken:
ETX105 , no barlow , webcam quickcam VC (no filter), avi 40 sec , registax elaboration , irfanviewer final , no rgb modification. observation site: Torino , Italy date & time: 8th oct 05 20.14 local time
I attached also a photo taken few minutes before , simply with a Nikon coolpix 4300, max zoom, moon and venus visible, with Monviso mountain , same observation site.
hope to send you better pictures in the future
photo photo
Submitted by: Peter Rosen ( [12 Oct 05]
I took this shot of Mars yesterday night (06 October 2005) a little before midnight with my ETX-105 and a Canon Eos 20D It consists of 10 shots manually stacked in Photoshop, exposed 1/8" at 1600 ISO. I used eyepiece projection with a 9mm .
Submitted by: Job Geheniau ( [6 Oct 05]
Still happy with new 5* Meade Teleconverter on my ETX90.
Submitted by: Paul Campbell ( [3 Oct 05]
here is a photo of Mars taken last night. And here is a photo of Venus taken today. both are avi's of 1min 30sec taken with a etx 125 and a sac 7 camera.
Mars Venus

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See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted August-September 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted June-July 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted April-May 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted January-March 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2004 for photos posted August-December 2004.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2004 for photos posted April-June 2004.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2004 for photos posted Januuary-March 2004.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2003 for photos posted October-December 2003.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2003 for photos posted August-September 2003.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2003 for photos posted January-July 2003.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Planets Archive 1998-99 for photos taken 1998 and 1999.

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Submittals Copyright © 2005 by the Submitter