First Annual David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party
Posted: 28 October 2019
It was an honor to be a speaker at the "First Annual David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party", held at Kartchner Caverns State Park in Arizona, 23-27 October 2019. To be associated with such an awesome group of talented and amazing people was just incredible.
There were several talks along with a VIP Tour of Kitt Peak National Observatory and a Tour of the cave at Kartchner Caverns. This report will highlight some of the speakers, the Kitt Peak tour, and some of my astrophotography taken at the Park.
Wednesday, 23 October
Arrival at Kartchner Caverns State Park, an IDA "International Dark Sky Park".
Scott Roberts, Founder and President of Explore Scientific, welcoming everyone.
Attendees received these.
David Levy welcoming everyone.
David Levy and Mike Weasner.
My talk on "International Dark Sky Places".
Bob Garfinkle speaking about "Fantasy Flights to the Moon".
Scott Roberts introducing Jack Newton for his talk "Breaking the Boundaries of Astrophotography".
After dinner I headed back to the Park to do some iPhone astrophotography. As I was leaving the hotel I saw these five Javelina.
At the Park I mounted my iPhone on a tracking mount and took these photos of the Milky Way and the eastern sky (showing Cassiopeia, Perseus, and the Pleiades (28 seconds exposure each).
I placed the iPhone on a camera tripod and took this 10 minute photo of the northern sky showing star trails around the North Celestial Pole.
Astrophotographers doing astrophotography.
Go to Kitt Peak VIP Tour, Thursday, 24 October.
Go to Friday, 25 October.
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