Wizard Nebula, Asteroid Adamblock
Posted: 4 November 2021
Although Sunday night, 31 October 2021, was clear I didn't open the observatory due to commitments the next day. Monday, 1 November, and Tuesday, 2 November, were cloudy. The sky cleared on Wednesday, 3 November.
Open: Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 1808 MST Temperature: 78°F |
Session: 1686 Conditions: Clear |
12" f/8 LX600 w/StarLock
2" 24mm UWA eyepiece
2" UHC filter
Focal reducer
1814 MST: LX600 ON, StarLock OFF, High Precision OFF.
Viewed the planets Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, 102X.
Prepared the D850 DSLR for imaging.
1827-1850 MST: relaxed on the observatory patio bench while waiting for Astronomical Twilight to end.
Mounted the D850 DSLR at prime focus + focal reducer + UHC filter, focused on the star Shedir, locked the 12" mirror, and SYNCed on Shedir.
Took six StarLock autoguided, 5 minutes, ISO 12800, images of NGC7380 (Wizard Nebula). This is a stack of the six images, effective exposure 30 minutes.
I then removed the UHC filter to image Asteroid (172525) Adamblock, Mag.+ 18.9, named for Adam Block, an Astrophotography Wizard.
I used SkySafari 6 Pro on my iPhone to GOTO Asteroid Adamblock via a Wi-Fi connection to the 12" LX600 telescope. SYNCed on the star Hamal.
1952 MST and 2052 MST: took StarLock autoguided, 5 minutes, ISO 6400, images of the asteroid. In between the two images I relaxed on the bench and enjoyed looking up at the night sky. The asteroid appears as the faint dot at the center of the images. Seeing was not great when I was imaging Asteroid Adamblock.
Mouseover or tap on image for label
2106 MST: viewed the planet Uranus, 102X.
2108 MST: LX600 OFF.
2115 MST: took a Sky Quality reading and reported the result to Globe at Night.
Close: Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 2120 MST Temperature: 61°F |
Session Length: 3h 12m Conditions: Clear, SQM 21.05 |
I have posted an article about the iPhone 13 Pro Max Afocal Photography LiDAR Issue.
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Copyright ©2021 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/co/Reports/2021/11/04/index.html