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David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party
& Oracle Dark Sky Cultural Festival - Day 5

Posted: 25 September 2022


Sunday, 25 September, was the Closing Session at the Oracle Community Center. Scott Roberts thanked everyone for being at the first such event in Oracle, Arizona. He acknowledged the support he received from the community, in particular Mike Weasner, Vince Micallef, Deb Gaines, and Alicia Bristow. He also thanked Kent Marts from Explore Scientific for all the work he did before and during the event. Scott announced that the "David H. Levy Arizona Dark Sky Star Party & Oracle Dark Sky Cultural Festival" will be back 8-12 November 2023!


Scott then introduced Mike Weasner who read some comments from Vince Micallef, Oracle State Park, who could not attend. Mike then introduced Deb Gaines, President of the Friends of Oracle State Park. She was followed by Alicia Bristow, President of OWN Oracle. David Levy spoke to the group via telephone and thanked them for attending. He said he would be here next year. Mike then spoke about his appreciation for everyone who made this event in Oracle such a big success.


Alicia presented some special gifts from Oracle to Scott, Kent Marts, Greg Turner, and Clint Branham. Kent specifically thanked Greg and Clint, volunteers from Arkansas, who helped tremendously with all the behind-the-scenes work during the week.


Drawings were held for door prizes provided by local artists and Explore Scientific. Nearly everyone who attended the Closing Session received a door prize.


Those who did not received a "Love Oracle Dark Skies" cap.


The session ended with everyone looking for being here in Oracle, Arizona, in 2023!

Photos by Mike Weasner

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